
AJ Styles


Entrance As Champion

Collar Elbow Tie Up


Waist Lock

Exchange Blows

Chop Block

Kick To The Left Leg

Avoids Back Elbow + Kick To The Left Leg

Kick To the Right Arm

Blocks Discuss Forearm With Kick To The Arm

Kick To The Gut

Knee Strikes To The Head

Kick To The Chest

Roll Up Into A Shoot Kick

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes

Shoot Kick To A Kneeled Opponent


Phenomenal Blitz

Phenomenal Blitz + Clothesline

Phenomenal Blitz + Opponent Avoids Clothesline + Clothesline

Pelé Kick

Avoid Running Clothesline + Pelé Kick

Avoid Fireman's Carry Drop + Kick To The Leg + Enzuigiri

Avoids Back Suplex + Enzuigiri

Kip Up

Lebell Lock Into A Jacknife Pinfall

Blocks Knee Drop With Boots To The Face

Single Leg Takedown Into Headscissors Takedown From The Ground

Grounded Forearm Smash

Kick To The Back To Grounded Opponent

Stomp To The Head To Grounded Opponent

Jumping Knee Drop

Half Boston Crab

Kickout Into An STF

Cross Armbreaker

Back Elbow To The Inside

Kick To The Mid Section From The Corner

Chop From The Corner

Running Move Into Clothesline From The Corner

Throws Opponent Head To The Corner + Punch  + Stomp + Chop

Punch + Chop Against The Corner

Punches Against The Corner

Shoulder Thrusts

Punches + Stomps To A Seated Opponent in the Corner

Avoids Forearm Smash In The Corner + Chop Against The Corner

Corner Flying Clothesline

Snapmare From The Corner + Kick To The Back

Snapmare + Grounded Forearm Smash

Corner Stlyin' DDT

Opponent Avoids Moonsault + Stylin' DDT

Calf Crusher From The Corner

Punches From The Top Rope

Kick To The Left Leg to The Second Rope

Pull Opponent's Legs From The Corner + German Suplex

Corner Argentine Backbreaker Rack

Hurricanrana Into The Corner + Brainbuster

Hot Shot From The Corner

Counters Avalanche Hurricanrana Into A Roll Up Pinfall

Mid-Air Powerbomb

Counters Springboard Moonsault With Clothesline

Punches Against The Ropes

Throw Opponent To The Ropes + Arm Drag

Running Move Into Forearm Smash


Avoids Diving Opponent + Dropkicks

Lower The Ropes

Catapult To The Outside

Clothesline To The Outside

Counter Suicide Dive With Enzuigiri Kick

Phenomenal Forearm To The Outside

Right Hand Outside Of The Ring

Punches To A Grounded Opponent In The Outside

Forearm Smash + Phenomenal Forearm From The Barricade

Throw Head First To The Ring Post

Table Assisted Flying Clothesline

Dragon Screw Leg Whip From The Outside

Throw Opponent's Leg To The Post

Running Forearm Smash To Opponent On The Apron

Blocks Vertical Suplex + Kick To The Gut On The Apron

Sliding Knee Strike From The Apron

Hot Shot

Roll Up Pinfall

Dragon Screw

Arm Takedown

Kick To The Arm +Argentine Rack Backbreaker


Reverses Protoplex Into Headscissors Takedown

German Suplex + Wheelbarrow Facebuster

Rack Bomb

Argentine Rack Backbreaker + Rack Bomb


Blocks Kick Into Ushigoroshi

Avoids Vertical Suplex + Ushigoroshi


Calf Crusher

Avoids Fireman's Carry Into Calf Crusher

Avoids Curb Stomp Into Calf Crusher

Springboard 450° Splash

Phenomenal Forearm

Back Body Drop into Forearm Smash + Phenomenal Forearm

Avoids 630° + Forearm Smash + Phenomenal Forearm

Styles Clash

Enzuigiri Kick + Styles Clash

Gourdbuster Into The Ropes + Styles Clash

Avoids Fireman's Carry + Styles Clash

Curb Stomp Into A Styles Clash

Busaiku  Knee Strike Into Styles Clash

Avalanche Styles Clash


Victory As Champion

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