
Alberto Del Rio


Entrance As Champion

Collar And Elbow Tie Up

Right Hand

Kick To The Arm

Big Boot

Counters Spear With Dropkick


Roundhouse Kick

Arm Drag + Armbar

Stomps To The Back

Soccer Kick To The Back

Soccer Kick To The Head

Snapmare + Basement Dropkick

Enzuigiri Kick To Kneeling Opponent

Counter Deadlift With DDT

Back Elbow From The Corner

Big Boot From The Corner

Back Body Drop To The Outside

Counter Big Boot From The Corner With Leg Breaker

Corner Kick To The Back

Stomps To The Corner

Shoulder Thrusts To The Corner

Push To The Corner + Kick To The Gut

Kick To The Gut + Punches To The Gut In The Corner

Soccer Kick To Tree Of Woe Opponent

Corner Enzuigiri Kick

Corner Hung Backstabber

Enzuigiri Kick To The Top Rope

Enzuigiri Kick To The Back To The Top Rope

Backstabber From The Second Rope

Avalanche Arm Drag

Inverted Superplex

Diving Double Chop

Diving Front Senton

Rope Hung Double Foot Stomp To The Back

Diving Senton

Rope Hung Basement Dropkick To The Arm

Rope Hung Forearm Smash To The Back

Rebound Shoulder Tackle

Two Clotheslines + Tirt A Whirl Backbreaker

Free Fall Drop + Basement Dropkick

Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker

Suicide Dive

Wrecking Ball Dropkick

Throw Armfirst Into The Barricade

Throw Backfirst Into The Barricade

Throw Arm Into The Steel Steps

Right Hand To The Apron

Soccer Kick From The Apron

Hot Shot From The Apron

Roll Up Pinfall

Crucifix Roll Up

Counter Powerbomb With Hurricanrana

Hair Pull Mat Slam

Arm Takedown


Double Knee Armbreaker

Back Suplex

Kick To The Gut + Snap DDT

Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker

Avoid Rough Ryder + Backstabber

Fireman's Carry Into Backstabber


German Suplex

Bridging German Suplex

Superkick To Kneeling Opponent

Tree of Woe Diving Double Foot Stomp

Tree of Woe Diving Double Foot Stomp Into Multiple Chairs

O'Connor Roll Into Rompe Destinos

Tarantula Rompe Destinos

Rompe Destinos


Victory As Champion

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