
Angel Garza


Collar-and-Elbow Tie Up

Collar-and-Elbow Tie Up + Taunt

Side Wrist Lock

Avoid Handshake


Open Hand Chop

Arm Trap Open Hand Chop

Right Hand

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes

Running Shoulder Block

Knee Strike

Single Leg Dropkick

Flying Clotheslines + Single Leg Dropkick

Step Up Enzuguri

Thrust Kick


Throw The Pants + Superkick

Grounded Chop

Mounted Punches

Basement Dropkick

Double Leg Drop in Midsection + Basement Dropkick

Grounded Superkick

Leg Drag + Grounded Superkick

Grounded Rocket Kick

Seated Senton To The Back

Camel Clutch

Butterfly Lock

Single Leg Boston Crab

Modified Surfboard Stretch

Gutwrench Suplex To The Corner

Back Body Drop + Kick To The Chest Mid-AIr

Back Body Drop To The Apron + Leg Sweep + Basement Dropkick

Chop To The Corner

Flying Forearm Smash To The Corner

Throw Headfirst To The Bottom Turnbuckle

Trap Opponent In The Corner + Running Knee Strike

Put On The Top Rope

Put On The Top Rope + Enzuigiri Kick

Put On The Top Rope + Corner Takedown

Corner Takedown

Superkick To Trapped Opponent

Front Dropkick To Trapped Opponent

Corner Takedown + Front Dropkick To Trapped Opponent

Corner Takedown + Dropkick To Opponent In Tree Of Woe

Put Opponent In The Tree Of Woe + Penalty Kick To The Chest

Enzuguri To The Top Rope

Dropkick Mid-Air From The Corner

Missile Dropkick

Missile Single Leg Dropkick

Punches To The Top Rope

Avalanche Spanish Fly

Avalanche Fallaway Moonsault Slam

Chop To The Ropes

Superkick To The Chest

Single Leg Dropkick

Mutual Crossbody

Free Fall Drop + Kick To The Chest

Opponent Rips The Pants Off + Rocket Kick

Front Dropkick Mid-Air

Rebound Superkick

Running Hurricanrana

Pop Up Stun Gun

Slingshot Inverted Suplex

Slingshot Inverted Suplex + Grounded Superkick

Springboard Stunner

Rebound Powerbomb

Springboard Moonsault

Escape From The Ring

Monkey Flip To The Outside

Back Body Drop To The Apron + Back Elbow

Back Body Drop To The Apron + Enzuigiri Kick

Back Body Drop To The Apron + Leg Sweep + Basement Dropkick

Counter Tope Suicida With Scoop Powerslam

Tope Suicida

Asai Moonsault

Put The Knees Up Outside The Ring

Take The Pants Off Outside The Ring

Throw Backfirst To The Steps

Throw Backfirst To The Barricade

Put On The Apron + Superkick To The Head

Apron Takedown

Dropkick Mid-Air

Take The Pants Off

Roll Up Pinfall

Arm Drag

Mat Slam

Tilt O' Whirl Facebuster

Pumphandle Facebuster

Butterfly Backbreaker

Tombstone Lungblower

Wing Clipper

Wing Clipper Catched Mid-Air


Victory As Champion