
Becky Lynch


Entrance as Champion

Collar Elbow Tie Up



Exchange Blows

Opponent Kicks Out + Punch To The Head + Double Leg Takedown

Punch to The Head

Avoids Spinning Back Fist + Punch to The Head

Punch to The Head + Knee Strike

Punches to The Head

Knee Strikes To The Gut

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes

Leg Trapped Forearm Smashes

Leg Trapped Forearm Smash + Spinning Back Kick

European Uppercut

European Uppercuts

Forearm Smash + European Uppercut + Spinning Back Kick

European Uppercut + Headbutt

Elbow Smash to The Back of The Head

Enzuigiri Kick

Avoids Dropkicks + Running Shoulder Tackle

Running Clotheslines

Two Clothesline + Heel Kick

Chair Shot To The Gut + Chair Shot To The Back

Chair Shot To The Referee

Kneeling Elbow Smash

Forearm Smash + Spinning Back Kick To a Kneeling Opponent

Reverses Cross Armbraker Into Roll Up Pinfall


Modified Crossface Chickenwing

Throws Opponent To The Corner

Push Into The Corner + Punches To The Corner

Avoids Running Move In The Corner

Avoids Running Move In The Corner + Springboard Rocket Kick

Stomps Against The Corner

Stomps To a Seated Opponent Against The Corner

Forearm Smash + Uppercut + Spinning Back Kick To The Corner

Corner Running Forearm Smash + Snapmare

Forearm Smash To The Top Rope

Springboard Rocket Kick

Escapes From The Corner + Forearm Smash To The Corner + Bexploder

Avalanche Bexploder

Mid-Air Dropkicks To The Gut

Missile Dropkicks

Breaks Submission Hold With Diving Legdrop

Diving Leg Drop

Avoids Hip Attack + Punches Against The Ropes

Basement Dropkicks To a Seated Opponent Against The Ropes

Knee Lift

Shoulder Block

Flying Shoulder Tackle

Spinning Back Kick + Flying Shoulder Tackle

Counters Powerbomb Into A Cloverleaf

Right Hand To The Outside

Basement Dropkicks To The Outside

Basement Dropkicks To The Back

Throws Head First to The Apron

Diving Forearm Smash From The Apron To The Outside

Railling Assisted Dis-Arm-Her

Big Boot From The Barricade

Bexploder to The Barricade

Pushes To The Ring Post

Throw To The Announcers Table

Throw To The Steel Steps

Exchange Blows On The Apron

Forearm Smash On The Apron

Back Elbows On The Apron

Running Big Boot On The Apron

Forearm Smash From The Apron

Avoids Shoulder Thrust + Kick To The Head

Avoids Shoulder Thrust + Kick To The Head + Roundhouse Kick

Avoids Shoulder Thrust + Knee Strike To The Head + Roundhouse Kick

Avoids Suplex + Reverse DDT On The Apron

Roll Up Pinfall

Avoid Roundhouse Kick + Roll Up Pinfall

Small Package Roll Up

Reverses Samoan Drop Into Crucifix Roll Up

Headlock Into Mat Slam


Snap Suplex

Avoids Powerslam + Reverse DDT

Reverse DDT & Spike DDT

Breaks Submission Hold With Running Bulldog

Pumphandle Suplex

Bexploder Suplex

Bexploder Suplex + Grounded Spinning Back Kick

All Man-Handle Slam

Avoid Big Boot + All Man-Handle Slam

Kickout + All Man-Handle Slam

Kickout Into A Dis-Arm-Her

Blocks Moonsault + Dis-Arm-Her

Avoid Hip Attack + Rope Assisted Dis-Arm-Her

Top Rope Assisted Dis-Arm-Her


Victory As Champion

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