



Entrance As Champion

Wrist Lock

Forearm Smash

Edge Knife Chop

Kick to The Gut

Kicks to The Gut

Knee Strike to The Gut


Flying Clothesline Into Right Hand to the Arm + Big Boot To The Arm

European Uppercut

European Uppercuts

Short-Arm Clothesline

Kneeled European Uppercut

Exchange Blows

Punches to a Grounded Opponent

Forearm Smash to a Grounded Opponent

Knee Strikes to a Grounded Opponent


Elbow Drop + Elbow Drop

Jumping Elbow Drop

Double Foot Stomp

Elbow Drops + Double Foot Stomp

Roll Up into Arm Trap + Stomps and Elbow Smashes to The Arm

Headlock to a Grounded Opponent


Fujiwara Armbar

Avoid Clothesline into a Fujiwara Armbar

Fujiwara Armbar Into Crossface  

Sharpshooter into a Crossface

Kickout Into Crossface

Crossface Rolls Back Into a Crossface

Blocks Head First to The Corner +  Edge Knife Chop

In The Corner Catches Opponent + Throw to The Outside

Corner Edge Knife Chop

Big Boot to The Corner

Stomp Against The Corner

Running Shoulder Thrust

Corner European Uppercut

Corner European Uppercut + European Uppercuts

Running Corner European Uppercut

Corner European Uppercut + European Uppercuts

Corner European Uppercut + Throw Opponent to The Ring Post

European Uppercut to the Third Rope

Mid-Air Caught into a Pinfall

Caught Mid Air Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker

Knee Strike Against The Ropes

Stomp to a Grounded Opponent in The Ropes

Pressing Stomp Against The Ropes

Catapulte To The Ropes

Gourdbuster to The Ropes

Shoulder Block

Avoids Clothesline + European Uppercut

Leapfrog + Hip Toss

Throw To The Ropes + Clothesline

Back Body Drop

Drop Toe Hold to The Outside

Mid-Air Caught + Powerslam to The Apron

Outside Blocks Head First + Back Elbow

Military Press Drop to The Barricade

Apron Superplex

Small Package Roll Up Pinfall

Back Body Drop


Bodyslam+ Jumping Legdrop

Hip Toss

Abdominal Stretch


Back Suplex

Sleeperhold into a Back Suplex

Elbow Smash to The Back + Back Suplex

Gorilla Press into a GTS

Argentine Rack Backbreaker

Vertical Suplex

Gutwrench Suplex

Cesaro Swing

Counters Tiger Feint Kick into Cesaro Swing


Cesaro Swing + Sharpshooter

Kneebar into a Sharpshooter

Knee Strike to The Head + Kick to The Gut + Swiss Death

Running Move into a Swiss Death

Swiss Death

Swiss Death into a Grounded Opponent

Mid-Air Swiss Death

Mid-Air Caught Into Swiss Death


Running Move into a Swiss Death + Neutralizer

Mid-Air Swiss Death + Neutralizer
