
Bobby Lashley


Entrance As Champion

Collar And Elbow Tie Up



Forearm Smashes

Knee Strike To The Gut

Short Arm Clothesline


Grounded Forearm Smashes

Wrestling Takedown + Grounded Waist Lock

Rear Chinlock

Ankle Lock

Mounted Forearm Smashes

Irish Whip Into The Corner

Back Hit Into The Corner

Punches To The Corner

Running Forearm Smash To The Corner

Corner Shoulder Thrust To The Back

Running Shoulder Thrust Into The Corner

Running Shoulder Thrust Into The Corner + Twisting Neckbreaker

Top Rope Takedown

Crossface Catch Mid Air


Diving Double Axe Handle

Pressing Stomp Against The Ropes

Pull Out Clothesline

Rebound Clothesline

Shoulder Block

Kitchen Sink

Crossbody To Running Opponent

Leap Frog + Clothesline

Scoop Powerslam To Running Opponent

Thrust Spinebuster

Tilt A Whirl Yokosuka Cutter

Lifting Flatliner Into The Ropes

Military Press Drop To The Outside

Outside Clothesline

Outside Biel Toss

Outside Overhead Belly To Belly Suplex

Diving Clothesline From The Apron Into Overhead Belly To Belly Suplex

Snap Suplex On The Ramp

Throw Into The Barricade

Shoulder Thrust Into The Barricade

Fireman's Carry Into The Ring Post

Overhead Belly To Belly Suplex Into The Announcers Table

Forearm Smash To The Apron

Clothesline To The Apron

Biel Toss To Opponent On The Apron

Vertical Suplex To Opponent On The Apron

Free Fall Drop

Back Body Drop

Biel Toss

Double Leg Takedown


Lifting Flatliner

Swinging Neckbreaker

Overhead Belly To Belly Suplex

Toss Suplex

Stalling Toss Suplex

Vertical Suplex

Stalling Suplex

Scoop Powerslam

Fallaway Slam

Superman Punch Into Thrust Spinebuster

Thrust Spinebuster

Canadian Facebuster

Yokosuka Cutter

Clothesline + Yokosuka Cutter

Spear To The Apron


The Hurt Lock

The Hurt Lock With Bodyscissors

Running Forearm Smash To The Corner + The Hurt Lock


Victory As Champion

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