
Buddy Murphy


Entrance As Champion

Collar-and-Elbow Tie Up

Standing Headlock

Leg Sweep

Right Hand

Back Elbow

Kick To The Gut

Knee Strike To The Gut



Running Lariat

Spinning Back Kick

Punt Kick


Pop Up Knee Strike

Jumping Knee Strike

Running Knee Strike

Clothesline + Back Elbow + Heel Kick + Kip Up

Kick To The Face + Jumping Knee Strike + Grounded Knee Strike

Multiple Strikes Into Grounded Knee Strike

Multiple Strikes Into Knee Strike

Snapmare + Kick To The Back

Kick From Grounded Position

Grounded Abdominal Stretch

Stomp To The Hand

Kick To The Head

Kick To The Back

Right Hands To Grounded Opponents

Spinning Back Kick To Grounded Opponent

Grounded Roundhouse Kick  + Back Kick

Throw Headfirst To The Steel Steps

Double Knee Drop To The Arm

Kick To The Head + Grounded Knee Strike

Kick To The Head + Grounded Knee Strike +Brainbuster

Grounded Knee Strike

Grounded Knee Strike From A Kick Out

Deadlift German Suplex

Drop To The Second Turnbuckle

Pop Up Throw To The Corner

Biel Toss To The Corner

Biel Toss To The Steps In The Corner

Throw To The Second Turnbuckle

Throw Chest First To The Corner

Throw Backfirst To The Corner

Throw Backfirst To The Corner + Back Body Drop

Throw To The Ring Post

Shoulder Thrust To The Corner

Big Boot To The Inside

Slap To The Corner

Forearm Smash To The Corner

Stomps To The Corner

Double Knee Strike To The Corner

Lawn Dart

Push From The Top Tope

Superkick To Opponent Trapped In The Corner

Superkick To Opponent Trapped In The Corner + Backbreaker Rack Twisted into DDT

Superkick To Opponent Trapped In The Corner + Powerbomb From The Corner + Deadlift Spinning Sit-Out Powebomb 

Running Powerbomb From The Second Rope

Avalanche Gourdbuster

Fireman's Carry Drop into the Corner Turnbuckle

Put The Knees Up

Deadlift Powerbomb Caught Mid-Air

Deadlift Spinning Powerbomb Caught Mid-Air

Powerbomb Caught Mid-Air + Deadlift Spinning Powerbomb

Missile Dropkick From The Second Rope

Diving Meteora


Standing Shoulder Block

Mutual Crossbody

Running Shoulder Block

Throw To The Ropes + Elbow To The Back

Punt Kick

Kitchen Sink

Heel Kick

Running Hurricanrana

Rebound Lariat

Throw To The Ropes + Jumping Knee Strike

Running Knee Strike

Running Knee Strike To Opponent Trapped In The Ropes

Throw Outside The Ring

Clothesline To The Outside

Mid-Section Stun Gun

Vertical Suplex Free Fall Drop To The Outside

Basement Dropkick

Basement Dropkick To The Steps

Tope Con Hilo

Tope Con Hilo With The Steps

Slingshot Corkscrew Plancha

Right Hand Outside The Ring

Forearm Smash On The Outside

Throw Headfirst To The Apron

Throw Headfirst To The Announcers Table

Takedown From The Announcers Table

Push Backfirst To The Steps

Throw Headfirst To The Steps

Throw To The Barricade

Jumping Knee Strike Mid-Air On The Outside

Diving Meteora From The Steel Steps

Head Takedown From The Barricade

Back Suplex To The Apron

Biel Toss To The Announcers Desk

Free Fall Drop To The Announcers Desk

Monkey Flip To The Announcers Table

Mat Slam On The Ramp

Snap Suplex On The Ramp

Running Suplex On The Outside

Running Suplex Caught From A Suicide Dive

Running Suplex Caught From The Apron

Throw Inside The Ring

Enzuigiri Kick From The Apron

Throw Headfirst To The Announcers Desk From The Apron

Running Suplex On The Apron

Right Hand To The Apron

Superkick To The Apron

Throw Headfirst To The Post

Punt Kick Mid-Air

Avoid Springboard + Running Knee Strike

Heel Kick Mid-Air

Jumping Knee Strike Mid-Air

Powerbomb Caught Mid-Air + Deadlift Spinning Powerbomb

Roll Up Pinfall

Roll Up Pinfall With The Feet On The Rope

Backslide Pinfall

Sleeper Hold

Abdominal Stretch

Arm Takedown

Free Fall Drop


Hip Toss Neckbreaker

Back Body Drop




Guillotine Choke Into Gourdbuster

Fireman's Carry Facebreaker

Running Suplex

Vertical Suplex Into Spinning Powerbomb

Powerbomb + Grounded Knee Strike

Powerbomb + Deadlift Powerbombs

Backbreaker Rack Twisted into DDT

Deadlift Backbreaker Rack Twisted into DDT

Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law Caught Mid Air


Victory As Champion