
Candice LeRae (Heel)


Entrance As Champion

Collar And Elbow Tie Up

Headlock Takedown

Wrist Lock 

Wrist Lock Into Wrist Lock


Punch To The Head

Punches To The Back

Chops + Forearm Smashes

Knee Strike To The Gut


Kickout Into Clothesline

Kickout Into Running Elbow Smash

Opponent Blocks Kick + Enzuigiri Kick

Chair Shot To The Back

High Knees

Crossface Into A Pinfall

Running Move Into Drop Toe Hold To A Chair

Punches To Grounded Opponent

Grounded Punch To The Back

Grounded Knee Strike To The Back

Grounded Punches To The Back

Grounded Sleeper Hold


Grounded Top Wrist Lock

Step Up Senton

Trash Can Lid To The Back

Single Leg Dropkick To A Seated Opponent On A Chair

Pressing Chair + Chair Shot To The Mid Section

Neck Snap

Snapmare + Neck Snap

Kick To The Leg + Low Superkick

Push Into The Corner

Push To The Corner

Throw Headfirst To The Corner

Headfirst Into The Corner + Rope Assisted Roll Up

Avoid Canonball Senton To The Corner

Escape From The Corner + Snapmare + Neck Snap

Avoid Running Corner Move + Basement Dropkick Into The Corner + Roll Up Into Low Superkick

Punches Against The Corner

Forearm Smash + Chop + Punches Against The Corner

Shoulder Thrusts To The Corner

Stomps To The Corner

Pressing Stomp To The Corner

Blocks Hanging Overhead Kick + Backstabber From The Corner

Running Hip Attack To The Corner

Running Hip Attack into the Corner + Running Facebuster To Another Opponent

Running Hip Attack To The Corner + Snapmare + Neck Snap

Snapmare From The Corner + Neck Snap + Jacknife Pinfall

Running Back Elbow To The Corner + Snapmare + Punch To The Head

Biel Throw

Big Boot To The Inside

Punch To The Back + Vertical Suplex From The Corner

Palm Slap To The Top Rope

Powerbomb From The Corner

German Suplex From The Second Rope

German Suplex From The Second Rope + Low Superkick

Avoid Diving Leg Drop + Low Superkick

Asai Moonsault Into High Knees Into The Referee

Avoid Running Move + Rope Hung Jumping Neckbreaker

Rebound German Suplex

Punch To The Ropes

Opponent Blocks Headscissors Takedown + Lariat

Kick To The Leg To Running Opponent + Low Superkick

Pulls Opponent Outside The Ring Into The Barricade

Grounded Punches Outside Of The Ring

Hurricanrana to The Stage

Suicide Dive Into A Tornado DDT

Avoid Hip Attack Into The Steps

Throws Opponent To The Steps

Irish Whip To The Ring Post

Pulls Opponent's Shoulder To The Ring Post

Push Opponent To The Outside

Back Elbow To The Apron

Surfboard Pressing Stomp On The Apron

Push Opponent To The Ring Post On The Apron

Running Facebuster On The Apron

Springboard Plancha

Baseball Slide + Springboard Plancha

Kimura Lock Into Roll Up Pinfall

Sunset Flip Roll Up

Fireman's Carry Into Sunset Flip Roll Up

Roll Up Pinfall

Small Package Roll Up

Blocks Vertical Suplex + Small Package Roll Up

Mat Slam

Opponent Escapes From Wrist Lock + Mat Slam

Avoid Body Slam + Mat Slam

Body Slam Into Sleeper Hold

Wheelbarrow Roll Into A Facebuster

Wheelbarrow Roll Up Into A Facebuster + Step Up Senton

Side Slam

Pendulum Backbreaker

Vertical Suplex

Seoul Food Into A Crotchplex


Avoid Fireman's Carry + Backstabber

La Quebrada

Ms. LeRae Wild Ride

Wicked Stepsister Into A Chair

Wicked Stepsister

Low Superkick + Wicked Stepsister

Avoid Moonsault + Ms. Gargano Escape

Mrs. Garga-No-Escape

Avoid Clothesline + Mrs. Garga-No-Escape

Tilt-A-Whirl Mrs. Garga-No-Escape


Victory With Johnny Gargano