
Candice LeRae


Collar-and-Elbow Tie Up



Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes

Kicks To The Leg

Back Elbow



Step Up Enzuguri

Shotgun Dropkick

Snapmare + Rolling Neck Snap

Mounted Punches

Pressing Stomp To The Back


Modified Surfboard Stretch

Step Up Senton

Big Boot To The Inside

Step Up Enzuguri To The Inside

Multiple Strikes To The Corner

Running Back Elbow To The Corner

Avoid Moonsault Press

Avoid Missile Dropkick

Multiple Strikes On The Top Rope

Missile Dropkick

Diving Tornado Flatliner

Double Foot Stomp To The Back Of A Standing Opponent

Powerbomb From The Second Rope

German Suplex From The Second Rope

Running Forearm Smash

Low Dropkick

Headscissors Takedown

Arm Drag

Springboard Arm Drag

Rebound German Suplex

Push To The Outside

Basement Dropkick To The Outside

Baseball Slide To The Outside

Suicide Dive

Suicide Dive Into A  Tornado DDT

Springboard Crossbody To The Outside

Canonball Senton Off The Apron

Throw To The Post

Tiger Feint Kick On The Apron

Knee Strike From The Apron

Headbutt To The Gut From The Apron

Backdrop On The Apron

Rope Hung Neckbreaker

Roll Up Pinfall

Fireman's Carry Into A Roll Up

Front Roll Up Pinfall

Gory Bomb Into A Sunset Flip Roll Up

Backslide Pinfall

Small Package Roll Up

Japanese Arm Drag


Back Body Drop

DDT + Flatliner

Jumping Neckbreaker

Octopus Hold

Octopus Hold + Knee Strikes

Twisting Neckbreaker

Fireman's Carry Into A Frankensteiner

Single Knee Facebreaker

Double Knee Facebreaker



Ms. Gargano Escape

Headscissors Takedown Into A Ms. Gargano Escape

Ms. LeRae Wild Ride


Quebrada To The Back


Hug Someone In The Crowd