


Entrance As Champion

Collar And Elbow Tie Up

Wrist Lock

Spit Into Opponents Face

Exchange Blows

Punches To The Head

Kick To The Gut + Punches

Knee Strikes To The Gut

Arm Trap Stomp To The Leg

Basement Dropkick To The Knee


Eye Poke + Clothesline

Knee To the Back Submission*

Grounded Punches

Leg Drop

Springboard Senton Atomico + Springboard Moonsault

Fujiwara Armbar

Pulls Headfirst Into The Second Corner

Irish Whip To The Corner

Push Into The Corner + Roll Up

Back Elbow From The Corner

Hardyac Arrest Into Dropkick

Chop To The Corner

Punches To The Corner

Chop To The Top Corner

Big Boot From The Corner + Diving Dropkick To The Back

Counter Swanton Bomb With High Knees

Avoid German Suplex + Rope Aided Wheelbarrow Roll Up

Rebound Clothesline + Clothesline

Avoid Clothesline + Springboard Back Elbow

Escapes With Springboard Backflip + Dropkick

Push To The Ropes + Forearm Smash To The Back

Irish Whip To The Ropes + Back Elbow


Kick To The Gut + Knee Strike

Kick To The Gut + Knee Lift + Clothesline

Free Fall Drop

Escapes From The Ring

Lower The Ropes

Throw To The Outside

Outside Punch

Push Into The Apron

Diving Barricade Move Into Dropkick

Throw Shoulder First Into The Corner

Slingshot Elbow Drop

Kickout + Jawbreaker



Hammerlock Bodyslam

Vertical Suplex


Kick To The Gut + Lifting Reverse STO

Twisting Neckbreaker

Corkscrew Neckbreaker

Fireman's Carry Flapjack

Flowing DDT

Counters RKO With Back Cracker

Vertical Suplex Into Back Cracker

Back Cracker


Victory As Champion

Outside Victory As Champion

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