


Entrance As Champion

Collar And Elbow Tie Up





Punch Combination + Clothesline

Spinning Heel Kick


Kendo Stick Shots

Chair Shot To Opponent On A Table

Counter Lionsault With Knees

Mounted Punches

Stomps To The Head

Falling Headbutt To The Crotch

Stab With The Kendo Stick

Ladder Shot To Grounded Opponent

Snapmare + Modified Chin Lock

Counter Sharpshooter Into a Sharpshooter

Figure Four Leglock


Escape From The Corner

Escape From The Corner (With A Ladder)

Jump Over Opponent + Chops

Corner Springboard Sunset Flip Roll-Up

Back Kick To The Inside + Diving Sunset Flip Roll-Up

Slap To The Inside

Back Elbow To The Inside

Avoid Jump Over + Low Blow

Throw To A Chair In The Corner

Hurrincanrana To The Corner

Chops To The Corner

Powerbomb Catch Mid-Air

Top Rope Punch

Diving Back Elbow

Diving Crossbody

Missile Dropkick

Missile Dropkick To A Chair

Diving Headbutt

Frog Splash From A Ladder To A Table

Inverted Tornado DDT

Avalanche Gourdbuster

Avalanche Hurrincanrana

Counter Leapfrog With Powerbomb

Running Forearm Smash

Shoulder Tackle

Shoulder Tackles

Rebound Kick

Back Elbow

Kitchen Sink

Flying Forearm Smash

Leap Frog + Flying Shoulder Block


Drop To The Ropes

Pressing Stomp Against The Ropes

Throw To The Apron

Throw To The Outside

Clothesline To The Outside

Back Body Drop To The Outside

Backdrop To The Outside

Basement Dropkick

Basement Dropkick To A Ladder

Triangle Crossbody To The Outside

Triangle Crossbody To Multiple Opponents

Throw To A Wall

Throw To The Apron

Throw To The Steps

Shoulder Thrust To The Apron

Choke With A Chain From The Apron

Monitor Shot To The Head

Tornado DDT From The Steps

Slap To The Apron

Go Outside The Ring + Apron Takedown

Pendulum Kick To The Apron

Inverted DDT On The Apron

Eye Poke From The Apron

Avoid Rope Hung DDT + Slap From The Outside

Inverted Hot Shot

Back Body Drop From The Apron

Ladder Catapult From The Apron

Roll Up

Backslide Pinfall

Inverted Atomic Drop

Mat Slam


Backbreaker To The Knee

Counter Powerslam With DDT

Inverted DDT

Lifting DDT

Uranage Slam To Thumbtacks



Killswitch to a ladder

Avoid Lariat + Killswitch

Counter RKO Into Killswitch

Victory As Champion

Ladder Match Victory

Leave As Champion