
CM Punk


Entrance As Champion

Standing Headlock



Punches + Knife Edge Chops

Forearm Smashes

Chops + Punch + Spinning Back Kick

Kick To The Leg

Kicks To The Leg

Kicks To The Mid-Section

Superkick To The Gut + Kick To The Head + Leg Sweep

Knee Strike To The Chest



Spinning Back Kick

Running High Knee

Roundhouse Kick

Grounded Low Blow

Kick To The Head From The Floor

Takedown La Magistral

Knee Drops To The Leg

Kicks To The Chest

Surfboard Stomp


Deadlift Powerbomb Into Triangle Choke

Figure Four Leglock

Grounded Chair Shot

Throw To The Corner

Big Boot To The Inside

Catapult To The Corner

Forearm Smashes To The Corner

Stomps To The Corner

Running Low Knee Strike

Running High Knee

Running High Knee + Short Arm Clothesline

Running High Knee + Running Bulldog

Powerbomb Catch Mid-Air

Slingshot Crossbody

Enzuigiri Kick To The Top Rope

Diving Double Axe Handle

Diving High Knee

Arm Drag To The Top Rope

Rope Walking Elbow Attack

Elbow Strikes On The Top Rope

Top Rope Hurrincanrana

Shoulder Block

Hip Toss

Calf Kick

Calf Kick + Flying Clothesline + Swinging Neckbreaker

Throw To The Ropes + Running High Knee

High Knee To The Ropes + Running Bulldog

Throw Outside The Ring

Back Body Drop To The Outside

Knee To The Back To The Outside

Toss Suplex To The Apron

Clothesline To The Outside

Running High Knee To The Outside

Suicide Dive

Diving Elbow Attack To The Outside

Outside Diving Clothesline

Crossbody Into A Chair

Runnig High Knee To The Ring post

Diving Clothesline From The Announcers Table

Outside Roundhouse Kick

Diving Elbow Drop To The Table

Outside Chair Shot

Basement Dropkick To The Apron

Diving Knee Drop To The Apron

Springboard Clothesline

Rope-Hung Springboard Clothesline

Roll-Up Pin fall

Sunset Flip Roll Up

Abdominal Stretch + Elbow Strikes

Hip Toss


Back Suplex

Russian Leg Sweep

Kick To The Gut + DDT

F-5 Into Falling DDT

Scoop Powerslam

Hangman Neckbreaker

Arm Trap Swinging Neckbreaker

Bridging Fisherman Suplex

Spinning Powerbomb

Diving Elbow Drop

Diving Elbow Drop With A Chair

Anaconda Vice

Arm Drag + Anaconda Vice



GTS To The Outside

Two Consecutive GTS


Victory As Champion