
Damian Priest


Entrance As Champion

Attack From Behind Mid-Entrance


Exchange Blows

Bear Clap To The Back

Avoid Punch + Bear Clap To The Back

Forearm Smash

Multiple Right Hands

Side Kicks

Multiple Knee Strikes To The Chest

Discus Elbow

Strike Combination + Discus Elbow

Kick To The Corner

Kick To The Arm + Short Clothesline


Discus Lariat

Shoot Kick To The Chest

Shoot Kicks To The Leg

Step Up Enzuigiri Kick Into Roundhouse Kick

Ripcord Roundhouse Kick

Bycicle Roundhouse Kick

Corkscrew Roundhouse Kick

Double Corkscrew Roundhouse

Baton Shot To The Back

Small Package Roll-Up

Mounted Forearm Smashes

Grounded Kick To The Gut

Arm Drag + Armbar

Throw To The Ring Post

Flapjack To The Corner

Stomp From The Corner (?

Kick To The Knee

Back Elbow + Big Boot

Push Opponent Into The Corner + Punches To The Corner

Punch To The Corner

Jumping Back Elbow To The Corner

Jumping Back Elbow To The Corner + Broken Arrow From The Corner

Curb Stomp Against The Corner

Low Blow To The Corner

Razor's Edge Powerbomb From The Corner

Bear Clap To The Back To The Top Rope

Corkscrew Roundhouse Kick To The Top Rope

Moonsault Into Knees Up

Diving Spinning Heel Kick

Avalanche Frankesteiner

Avalanche Frankesteiner Into Another Opponent

Avalanche Reverse Frankesteiner

Leaping Back Elbow

Spinning Heel Kick

Running Move Into A Bicycle Roundhouse Kick

Discus Forearm + Lariat

Rebound Jumping Shoulder Tackle

Rebound Clothesline

Tornado DDT

Clothesline To The Outside

Razor's Edge Powerbomb To The Outside

Over The Top Rope Tope Suicida

Step Up Somersault Senton

Step Up Somersault Senton To Two Opponents

Outside Forearm Smash

Outside Bycicle Kick

Outside Shoot Kicks + Kick To The Leg + Discus Forearm

Throw To The Steps

Avoid Running Move + Roundhouse Kick From The Apron

Corkscrew Roundhouse Kick To The Leg From The Outside To Opponent On The Apron (?

Snake Eyes Into The Apron

Side Slam Into The Apron From The Steps

Chokeslam To The Apron

Razor's Edge Powerbomb Into The Apron

Razor's Edge Powerbomb Into The Announcers Table

Baton Shot To Opponent On The Apron

Forearm Smash To The Apron

Knee Strike To The Apron

Shoot Kick + Forearm Smash To The Apron

Big Boot To The Apron

Rope Hung Dropkick On The Apron

Roundhouse Kick To The Corner

Bear Clap To The Back + Roundhouse Kick From The Apron

Rope Walking Crossbody

Springboard Corkscrew Somersault Senton To 2 Opponents

Powerbomb Into Hurricanrana

Elevated Complete Shot

Satellite DDT

Broken Arrow

Spinning Headlock Drop Into Broken Arrow

Broken Arrow Into Another Opponent

Full Nelson Facebuster (?

Razor's Edge Powerbomb

South of Heaven

Corkscrew Roundhouse Kick + South of Heaven

South of Heaven Catch From The Springboards

South of Heaven Catch From The Top Rope

Avalanche South of Heaven

The Reckoning

The Reckoning From The Ropes
