
Darby Allin


Entrance As Champion

Collar And Elbow Tie Up




Forearm Smash


Slaps + Headbutt To The Gut

Dropkick To The Knee + Basement Dropkick

Shotgun Dropkick

Chair Shot

Wheelbarrel Roll Up

Gojira Clutch Into Pinfall

Rear Mounted Punches

Chop Block + Punches To Grounded Opponent

Dropkick To The Knee + Stomp To The Head

La Magistral

Arm Takedown + La Magistral

Hammerlock Guillotine Choke

Kickout Into Fujiwara Armbar

Fujiwara Armbar

Drop Toe Hold + Fujiwara Armbar

O'Connor Roll + Springboard Crossbody

O'Connor Roll + Springboard Corkscrew Crossbody

Escape From The Corner + Roll Up

Escape From The Corner + Corner Back Thumb

Dropkick To The Inside + Jump Over Opponent + Shotgun Dropkick

Corner Back Thumb

Corner Back Thumb + Float Over Stunner

Corner Back Thump To Opponent In Tree Of Woe

Shotgun Dropkick To The Corner

Monkey Flip Into The Corner

Diving Sunset Flip Roll Up

Diving Hurricanrana

Float Over Stunner From The Top Rope

Avalanche Crucifix Bomb

Running Forearm Smash To The Ropes

Slaps + Headbutt To The Gut Against The Ropes

Springboard Arm Drag

Rebound Back Thumb

Military Press Slam Into Crossbody

Pop Up Float Over Stunner

Springboard Float Over Stunner

Suicide Dive

Feint Springboard Moonsault + Suicide Dive

Suicide Dive Into Barrier Hung Opponent

Suicide Canonball

Swaton Bomb To Outside

Swaton Bomb To Multiple Opponents Outside

Swaton Bomb To The Crowd

Outside Dropkick

Outside Shotgun Dropkick

Irish Whip Into The Barricade

Barricade Back Thumb

Two Barricade Back Thumbs

Outside Shotgun Dropkick Into The Barricade

Gourdbuster Into The Barricade

Throw Leg Into The Ring Post + Throw Hand Into The Ring Post

Shoulder Thrust Into The Ring Post

Drag Opponent In The Apron Into The Ropes

Shotgun Dropkick To The Apron

Shotgun Dropkick To Two Opponents On The Apron

Throw Opponents Hand Into The Ring Post From The Apron

Forearm Smash From The Apron

Guillotine Choke From The Apron

Stomp To The Hand + Diving Sleeper Hold

Escape From The Apron + Suicide Dive

Small Package Roll Up

Fireman's Carry Into Sunset Flip Roll Up

Backpack Sleeper Hold

Gory Special


Crucifix Driver

Float Over Stunner

Powerbomb Into Code Red

Code Red

Headbutt To The Gut + Code Red

Strikes + Code Red

Float Over Stunner + Code Red

Sunset Flip Into Last Supper

Japanese Leg Roll Clutch Into Last Supper

Beautiful Disaster Into Last Supper

Ataxia Into Last Supper

Takedown Last Supper

Last Supper

Coffin Drop To Standing Opponent Outside

Coffin Drop To Multiple Opponents Outside

Coffin Drop To Steel Steps Outside

Coffin Drop From The Steel Beams Into A Table

Coffin Drop To Opponent Standing On The Apron

Coffin Drop To Opponent On The Apron

Springboard Coffin Drop

Chop Block + Springboard Coffin Drop

Coffin Drop


Victory As Champion

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