
Dexter Lumis


Standing Headlock



Forearm Smash

Two-Handed Throat Chop

Double Clothesline

Mounted Punches

Rear Mounted Punches

Double Axe Handle Drop

Leg Drop

Kip Up + Leg Drop

Backdrop Suplex + Kip Up + Leg Drop

Irish Whip To The Corner + Back Body Drop

Irish Whip To The Corner + Running Bulldog

Punches To The Corner

Rolling Thunder Monkey Flip To The Corner

Corner Clothesline + Runnning Bulldog

Counter Tornado DDT With Free Fall Drop

Turnbuckle-Trapped Uppercut

Swaton Bomb

Drop Toe Hold Into The Ropes

Slide Outside The Ring + Punch Opponent On The Ropes

Stun Gun

Slingshot Suplex

Lou Thesz Press + Mounted Punches

Back Body Drop


Avoid Clothesline + Twisting Spinebuster

Avoid Rear Clothesline + Twisting Spinebuster

Throw To The Outside

Back Elbow To The Outside

Outside Punch

Outside Punches

Stun Gun Into The Aron

Throw To The Barricade

Punch To The Apron

Biel Toss From The Apron


Backdrop Suplex

Toss Backdrop Suplex

German Suplex


Twisting Spinebuster

Arm-Trap Kate Gatame Slam

Kate Gatame Slam

Slide Outside The Ring + Outside The Silence

The Silence

Kata Gatame Slam + The Silence


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