
Dolph Ziggler


Entrance As Champion

Wrist Lock

Wrist Lock Into Headlock

Front Facelock

Exchange Blows

Punch To The Head

Punches To The Head

Kick To The Gut

Punches To The Gut + Stomp To The Left Leg

Running Elbow Smash From Behind

Flying Clothesline


Kickout Into A Headbutt


Running Clothesline

Running Move Into Knee Strike

Running Move Into A Chair Shot To The Leg

Low Blow

Chair Shot To The Back

Chair Shot To The Gut

Chair Shots To The Back To A Grounded Opponent

Headlock Takedown



Tight Rear Chinlock


Jumping Elbow Drop

Swinging Neckbreaker + Jumping Elbow Drop

Comeback Sequence

Comeback Sequence + Jumping Elbow Drop

Throw Opponent To The Corner

Irish Whip Into The Corner

Throw Head First To The Corner

Avoid Running Move In The Corner + Roll Up Pinfall

Back Body Drop From The Corner To The Outside

Running Move Into Dropkick From The Corner

Punches To The Gut Against The Corner

Kick To The Gut Against The Corner

Avoid Corner Clothesline + Kick To The Gut + Punches To The Head Against The Corner

Stomp To The Leg Against The Corner

Roll Up Pinfall From The Corner

Headlock Takedown From The Corner Into A Headlock

Snapmare From The Corner + Jumping Elbow Drop

Stinger Splash

Stinger Splash + Swinging Neckbreaker

Headbutt + Swinging Neckbreaker

Avoid Falcon Arrow + Push Into The Corner + Running Single Leg High Knee

Swinging Neckbreaker From The Corner

Reverses Diving Crossbody Into A Roll Up Pinfall

Avoid Aereal Move + Stomp To The Left Leg

Avoid Aereal Move + Throw To The Corner

Avoid Diving Clothesline + Sleeperhold

Mid-Air Dropkick

Pushes the Top Rope

Avalanche Sitout Facebuster


Jumping DDT From The Corner

Puts Foot on the First Rope

Rope Assisted Pinfall

Running Move Into A Big Boot From The Ropes

Back Elbow From The Ropes

Kick To The Right Leg From The Ropes

Back Elbow + Stomp To The Leg

Punch To The Head Against The Ropes

Kick To The Left Leg Against The Ropes

Rope Assisted Armbar

Rebound Kick To The Head

Rebound Kick To The Head + Avoid Heel Kick + Jumping DDT

Shoulder Tackle

Mutual Crossbody

Running Move Into A Back Elbow

Opponent Rebounds With The Ropes Into Dropkick

Opponent Rebounds With The Ropes Into Dropkick + Jumping DDT

Back Body Drop

Clothesline To The Outside

Dropkick To The Outside

Diving From The Apron + Punches

Outside Back Elbow

Throw Headfirst Into The Ring Post

Push Into The Barricade

Avoid Clothesline + Push Into The Barricade

Catches Opponent Mid-Air + Powerbomb Into The Crowd

Throw Head First To The Apron

Outside Chair Shot To The Back

Throw To The Barricade

Avoid Outside Flying Lariat + Throw To The Steel Steps

Fameasser From The Announcers Table

Jumping Elbow Drop On The Announcers Table

Diving Elbow Drop On The Table

Blocks Springboard Move Pushing The Right Leg

Blocks Powerbomb On The Apron With Punches

Pushes To The Ring Post On The Apron

Double Leg Takedown On the Apron + Catapulte To The Ring Post

Punches On The Apron + Pushes Opponent To The Outside

Jumping DDT On The Apron

Hot Shot

Cradle Pinfall

Wheelbarrow Victory Roll

Roll Up Into Roll Up Pinfall

Reversed Leg Takedown + Roll Up Pinfall

Chokeslam Into A Pinfall

Opponent Avoid Superkick + Roll Up Pinfall

Reverses Powerbomb Into Sunset Flip Roll Up

Reverses Back Body Drop Into Sunset Flip Roll Up

Reverses Figure Four Leglock Into A Small Package Roll Up

Mat Slam

Avoid Back Suplex Into A Sleeperhold

Avoid Falcon Arrow Into A Sleeperhold

Swinging Neckbreaker

Rough Ryder

Stomp To The Left Leg + Fameasser

Presses Opponent's Nose + Stomp To The Leg + Fameasser

Wheelbarrow Facebuster + Fameasser

Roll Up 
Into A Fameasser

Reverses Pop-Up Powerbomb Into A Fameasser

Reverses Fireman's Carry Into A Fameasser

Running Move Into A Fameasser

Opponent Enters + Fameasser


Avoid Uppercut + Jumping DDT

Jumping DDT

Lifting Side Slam On The Chair

Kickout + Superkick

Running Move Into A Superkick

Superkick To The Ropes


Apron Superkick

Superkick To The Barricade

Outside Superkick

Outside Mid-Air Superkick

Slingshot Move Into An Outside Mid-Air Superkick

Avoid Running Move In The Ropes + Zig Zag

Springboard Into A Zig Zag

Avoid Running Move In The Corner + Zig Zag

Throw To The Corner + Zig Zag

Running Move Into A Zig Zag

Running Move Into Knee Strike + Throw To The Corner + Zig Zag

Avoid Low Roundhouse Kick + Zig Zag

Avoid Uppercut + Avoid Forearm Smash + Zig zag

Avoid Glorious DDT + Zig Zag

Avoid Helluva Kick + Zig Zag

Zig Zag

Avoid Future Shock DDT + Fameasser + Zig zag

Outside Zig Zag

Zig Zag On The Ramp


Victory as Champion

Leave As Champion

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