
Dominic Dijakovic


Collar And Elbow Tie Up

Standing Headlock

Kick To The Arm + Back Elbow

Knee To The Gut + Drop Into The Knee

Arm Trap Back Kick To The Gut + Kick To The Chest + Back Elbow

Big Boot


Discus Lariat


Forearm Smash To Kneeling Opponent

Big Boot To The Inside

Rebound Cyclone Kick

Back Elbows To The Corner

Cyclone Kick To The Corner

Push From The Top Rope

Big Boot To The Top Rope

Superkick To The Leg On The Top Rope

Feint Moonsault + Superkick To The Top Rope

Choke Bomb To Opponent On The Top Rope

Superkick On The Top Rope

Diving Elbow Drop

Diving Moonsault

Corkscrew Moonsault

Avalanche Spanish Fly

Avalanche Twisting Samoan Drop

Avalanche Choke Bomb

Avalanche Canadian Destroyer

Chop Against The Ropes

Cyclone Kick

Pendulum Backbreaker

Springboard Somersault Senton To Seated Opponent

Fosbury Flop

Outside Discus Elbow

Outside Arm Trap Back Kick To The Gut + Kick To The Chest + Back Elbow

Time To Fly Into The Apron

Superkick To Seated Opponent

Forearm Smash To The Apron

Superkick To The Apron

Chokebomb On The Apron

Springboard Moonsault To The Outside

Guillotine Choke

Backbreaker Swinging Side Toss

Time To Fly

Time To Fly Into Another Opponent


Feast Your Eyes

Outside Feast Your Eyes

Feast Your Eyes From The Top Rope
