
Eddie Guerrero


Entrance As Champion

Standing Headlock

Roll Up Pinfall

Eye Poke

Exchange Blows




Low Dropkick

Knee Strikes To The Gut + Step-Up Enzuguiri

Push Into The Reff

Low Blow

Title Shot

Small Package Roll Up

Low Dropkick To The Head

Grounded Armbreaker

Arm Drag + Armbar

Hip Toss + Arm Drag + Armbar

Arm Snap + Arm Takedown + Armbar

Bridging Grounded Wrist Lock

Surfboard Stretch Into A Camel Clutch

Inverted Achilles Lock

Figure Four Leglock

Push Into The Corner + Shoulder Thrusts

Back Elbow To The Inside

Dropkick To The Inside

Throw To The Corner + Roll Up Pinfall

Escape From The Corner + Back Suplex

Wrist-Lock Springboard Hurricanrana

Push From The Top Rope

Tornado DDT

Avalanche Sunset Flip Powerbomb


Avalanche Hurrincanrana

Low Dropkick

Shoulder Tackle

Pop Up Dropkick

Pop Up Hurricanrana*

Tilt A Whirl Headscissors Takedown

Back Elbow

La Quebradora

Slingshot Hot-Shot On The Second Rope*

Catapult To The Outside

Back Body Drop To The Outside

Running Forearm Smash On The Ramp

Throw To The Barricade

Outside Chair Shot To The Back

Dropkick To The Apron

Throw Leg Into The Ring Post

Apron Hot Shot

Slingshot Senton

German Suplex Into Wheelbarrel Roll Up

Counter Sleeper Hold With Stunner

Arm Drag

Hip Toss Into Hip Toss

Olympic Slam Into Hurricanrana

Backdrop Suplex

Saito Suplex

Cradle Backbreaker

Hangman Neckbreaker Into The Title

Olympic Slam Into Falling DDT

F-5 Into Falling DDT

Gory Special



Vertical Suplex

Three Amigos

Frog Splash


Victory As Champion

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