
Jay White


Entrance As Champion


Headlock Takedown

Exchange Blows



Knee Strike To The Gut

Kick To The Leg

Multiple Stomps To The Foot

Chop Block

Stomp To The Back Of The Knee

Multiple Back Elbows

Forearm Smash While Kneeling

Forearm Smash + Knee To Gut

Slap To The Gut + Slap + Forearm Smash

Chop To The Gut + Forearm Smash + Lariat

Low Blow

Avoid Standing Moonsault

Stomps To The Chest

Chop To Seated Opponent

Throw Opponent's Leg To The Floor

Counter Frankensteiner  Throwing Opponent's Leg To The Floor

Dragon Screw

Chin Lock

Muta Lock

Reverse Figure Four Leglock

Deadlift German Suplex

Chair Shot To The Knee

Kick From The Corner

Escape From Corner + Chop

Avoid Aerial Move

Throw To The Corner

Jumping Back Elbow To The Corner

Punch To The Gut In The Corner

Multiple Stomps To The Corner

Leg Stunner In The Corner

Butterfly Suplex To The Corner

Jumping Back Elbow + Butterfly Suplex To The Corner

Kick To The Gut + Butterfly Suplex To The Corner

Jumping Back Elbow To The Corner + DDT

Elbows To The Knee On The Top Rope

Forearm Smash On The Top Rope

Chop On The Top Rope


Back Elbow

Running Forearm Smash

Chop To A Opponent Trapped In The Ropes

Uppercut To A Opponent Trapped In The Ropes

Running Uppercut To A Opponent Trapped In The Ropes

Multiple Chops To A Opponent Trapped In The Ropes

Catapult To The Ropes

Sliding Takedown To The Outside

Saito Suplex To The Outside

Kick To The Gut + Punch To The Back Outside

Throw To The Barricade

Bend Leg With The Barricade

Shoulder Thrust To The Post

Shoulder Thrust To The Apron

Shoulder Thrust To The Barricade

Butterfly Suplex To The Barricade

Front Suplex To The Announcers Desk

Throw Inside The Ring

Chop Block To The Apron

Throw Opponent Leg To The Post

Throw Opponent Leg Against The Apron

Bend Leg With The Rope On The Apron

Matt Slam To The Apron

Throw Against The Reff

Matt Slam

Dragon Screw

Complete Shot

Complete Shot + Deadlift German Suplex

Snap Suplex


Uranage Slam

Back Body Drop

Bridge Regal Plex

Saito Suplex

Sleeper Suplex

Skull End Into Sleeper Suplex

Counter Rainmaker With Sleeper Suplex

Counter Destino With Sleeper Suplex


Cross-Arm Brainbuster

Running Death Valley Driver

Kiwi Crusher

Delayed Kiwi Crusher

Blade Buster


Blade Runner

Blade Runner Caught Mid Air 

Counter Kamigoye With Blade Runner

Counter Tombstone Piledriver With Blade Runner


Victory As Champion

Go To The Backstage After a Loss