
Johnny Gargano (Heel)


Entrance With Candice LeRae

Entrance  As Champion

Wrist Lock

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes

Avoid Reckoning + Chop

Avoid Clothesline + Chop

Back Elbow

Elbow Strike To The Back Of The Head

Avoid Clothesline + Punch To The Face

Avoid Clothesline + Palm Slaps To The Gut

Shoot Kick To The Leg

Avoid Crucifix Powerbomb + Shoot Kick To The Leg

Forearm Smash + Stomp To The Leg

Blocks Knee Strike + Kick To The Leg

Blocks Backbreaker With A Knee Strike

Chop Block

Stomp To The Leg + Chop Block


Three Clotheslines

Kickout + Running Clothesline

Step Up Enzuigiri

Mid-Air Step Up Enzuigiri

Fake Superkick + Superkick To The Leg


Block Superkick + Superkick

Superkick Mid-Run 

Superkick Mid-Air + Superkick

Avoid Big Boot + School Boy Roll Up Pinfall

Armbar Into A Crucifix Pinfall

Grounded Punch

Grounded Punches

Kick To The Head + Grounded Punches

Throws Arm Against The Canvas

Stomp To The Hand

Running Kick To The Arm

Headlock Punches

Punch To The Head

Grounded Open Palm Strike

Grounded Forearm Smash

Elbow Strike To The Head

Elbow Strikes To The Back Of The Head

Clotheslines To Kneeling Opponent

Catapult Low Blow

Wristlock Into Armbar

Front Headlock

Arm Drag + Armbar


Headlock Takedown

Modified Single Leg Boston Crab

Modified STF

Takedown Kneebar

Grounded Roundhouse Kick

Opponent Kicks Out + Grounded Roundhouse Kick

Opponent Rolls + Grounded Roundhouse Kick

Avoid Corkscrew Roundhouse Kick + Push To The Corner

Irish Whip To The Corner + Opponent Escapes From The Corner + Chop

Back Elbow To The Inside

Double Mule Kick From The Corner

Superkick From The Corner

In The Corner Avoid Jumping Back Elbow + Chop Block

Escape From The Corner + Avoid Running Move + Headscissors Takedown

Punch To The Corner

Chop To The Corner

Running Chop To The Corner

Punches To The Corner

Avoid Clothesline + Punches To The Corner

Punches From The Second Rope To The Corner

Stomp To The Corner

Stomps To The Corner

Pressing Forearm To The Second Rope

Hurricanrana To The Top Of The Corner

Wristlock To The Corner + Knee Strikes To The Arm

Kick From The Top Rope + Diving Twisting Flatliner

Avoid Diving Clothesline + Electric Chair Into Poison-Rana

Lawn Dart

Avalanche Swinging Vertical Suplex

Kick To The Arm

Chops To The Ropes

Kick To The Second Rope Low Blow

Drop Toe Hold To The Ropes + Running Knee Strike To The Back

Kick To The Leg To Opponent On The Second Rope

Kick To The Gut + Punches To The Back To Opponent Trapped On The Ropes

Punches To Opponent Trapped On The Ropes

Front Dropkick To Opponent Trapped On The Ropes

Superkick To Opponent Trapped On The Ropes

Grounded Big Boot To The Ropes

Rope Assisted Pressing Stomp

Running Move Into A Back Elbow From The Ropes

Headlock Punches To The Ropes

Jumping Stomps + Jumping Elbow Drop From The Ropes

Avoid Back Elbow + Superkick

Rebound Rolling Lariat

Grounded Running Elbow Strike To The Back

Modified Crossface

Pop-Up Powerbomb Into Triangle Armbar

Cannonball Senton To The Back From The Corner To The Ropes

Springboard Tornado DDT

Clothesline To The Outside

Jumping Knee Strike To The Outside (To The Back)

Basement Dropkick To The Outside

Pulls Opponent's Arm From The Apron To The Outside

Suicide Dive Into A Tornado DDT

Superkick From The Apron

Avoid Chokeslam + Superkick From The Apron

Avoid Powerbomb + Superkick From The Apron

Canonball Senton From The Apron

Suicide Dive

Avoid Back Body Drop To The Apron + Slingshot Spear + Suicide Dive To Another Opponent

Wheelbarrel Half Nelson Into Arm Takedown

Headscissors To The Barricade

Push To The Steel Steps

Throw To The Steps

Throw Headfirst To The Ring Post

Throw To The Barricade

Shoulder Thrust Into The Barricade

Avoid Chokeslam + Reverse STO To The Barricade

Standing Sliced Bread Into The Steel Steps

Avoid Diving Move + Throw Headfirst To The Ring Post + Outside Reverse Rana

Cannonball Senton From The Stage

Elbow Smash To Opponent On The Apron

Avoid Suplex From The Apron + Forearm Smashes To The Apron

Running Forearm Smash To The Apron

Rope Hung Neckbreaker

Punches To The Top Rope From The Apron

Step Up Enzuigiri From The Apron

Avoid Clothesline + Step Up Enzuigiri From The Apron

Escapes From The Corner + Avoid Clothesline + Step Up Enzuigiri From The Apron

Triangle Superkick From The Apron + Slingshot Spear To Another Opponent

Slingshot Spear

Step Up Enzuigiri From The Apron + Slingshot Spear

Swinging Sideslam Into Roll Up

Big Bang Catastrophe Into Pinfall

Razor's Edge Into Sunset Flip Roll Up Pinfall

Boston Crab Into Hurricanrana Pinfall

Chokeslam Into Victory Roll

Gibson Driver Into Hurricanrana

Fireman's Carry Into Hurricanrana

Float Over Suplex

Avoid The Reckoning + Standing Sliced Bread

Standing Sliced Bread + Running Elbow Smash To The Back

Firmemn's Carry Toss


Reverse DDT Into A Knee + Gourdbuster

Reverse DDT To The Knee + Gourdbuster + Grounded Roundhouse Kick + Running Lariat

Low Superkick

Avoid Feast Your Eyes + Superkick To The Leg + Low Superkick

Breaks Pinfall With A Low Superkick

Roll Up Into Gargano Escape

Olympic Slam Into Gargano Escape

Handspring Back Elbow Into Gargano Escape

Gargano Escape

One Final Beat

Step Up Enzuigiri From The Apron + One Final Beat

One Final Beat On The Elevated Ramp


Victory With Candice LeRae

Victory As Champion