
Kay Lee Ray


Entrance As Champion

Collar And Elbow Tie Up

Open Palm Strike


Uppercut To The Thight

Kick To The Gut

Avoid Shiniest Wizard + Superkick

Superkick To The Back


Two Superkicks

Small Package Roll Up From The Floor

Modified Reverse FigureFour Leglock

Snapmare + Grounded Abdominal Stretch

Rolling Snapmare + Grounded Kick

Stomp To The Back

Shoot Kick To Kneeling Opponent

Superkick Into A Pinfall

Superkick To Kneeling Opponent

Superkick To Kneeling Opponent With Chair On His Head

Kick-Out Into Guillotine Choke

Slap To The Corner

Open Palm Strike To The Corner

Stomps To The Corner

Pressing Stomp To The Corner

Springboard Tornado DDT

Arm-Trap Superkick + Springboard Tornado DDT

Bodyslam Catch Mid Air

Superkick Mid-Air

Swanton Bomb

Swanton Bomb Into A Pinfall

Open Palm Strike To The Ropes

Knee Press Into The Second Rope

Superkick To Rope Hung Opponent

Springboard Tornado DDT

Suicide Dive

Step Up Swanton Bomb To Standing Opponent

Step Up Swanton Bomb To Two Standing Opponent

Counters Suicide Dive With Knee Strike

Outside Kick To The Gut

Outside Arm-Trap Superkick

Outside Tornado DDT

Throw To The Barricade

Throw Headfirst Into The Steps

Spin Out Forearm Smash

Canadian Trip + Spin Out Forearm Smash

Apron Hung DDT

Knee Hold With The Rope

Knee Strike To The Apron

Headbutt To The Gut + Side Kick From The Apron

Float Over Suplex


Arm-Trap Gourdbuster

Gory Special

Gory Bomb Into The Ropes

Gory Bomb

Superkick + Gory Bomb


Victory As Champion

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