


Entrance As Champion

Attack Mid-Entrance

Collar And Elbow Tie Up

Kicks To The Leg


Right Hand

Right Hands

Spinning Back Fist

Shoot Kick

Spinning Back Kick

Discus Lariat

Rainmaker Into Discus Lariat

Step Up Enzuigiri

Kneeling Forearm Smash

Shoot Kick To Kneeling Opponent

Elbow Drop To The Back

Multiple Knee Drops To The Face

Feint Stomp + Back Kick To The Head

Grounded Chinlock

Grounded Headlock

Heel Hook

Triangle Choke

Figure Four Leglock


Irish Whip Into Exposed Corner

Throw Headfirst Into The Corner + Roll Up

Big Boot To The Inside

Corner Low Dropkick Into Heel Hook

Pressing Stomp To The Corner

Forearm Smashes To The Corner

Big Boot To The Corner

Corner Low Dropkick

Top Rope Slap

Tornado Hot Shot

Diving Clothesline

Tornado Hot Shot + Diving Clothesline

Rope Hung Back Double Knee Press

Diving Double Foot Stomp

Rope Hung Knee Strike

Rope Hung Knee Strike + German Suplex

Back Elbow

Big  Boot

Kitchen Sink


Throw Outside The Ring

Outside DDT

Outside Bodyslam

Irish Whip Into The Barricade

Big Boot To The Barricade

Irish Whip Into The Barricade + Big Boot To The Barricade

Chair Shot Into Barricade Trapped Leg

Barricade Hung Kick

Barricade Hung DDT

Shinbreaker Into A Table

Throw Leg Into The Ring-Post

Big Boot To The Apron

Rope Hung DDT

Apron Falcon Arrow

Apron Diving Stomp To The Back

Barricade Hung Back Double Knee Press

Sasuke Special Into Sleeper Hold

Springboard Missile Dropkick

Small Package Roll Up

Dragon Screw Leg Whip

Arm Trap DDT

Stormbreaker Into Guillotine Choke

Sleeper Hold

Rainmaker Into Slepper Hold

Falcon Arrow

German Suplex


Sliding Lariat Into GAME OVER

Shooting Star Press Into GAME OVER

Corner Busaiku Knee Strike + Corner Low Dropkick

Busaiku Knee Strike To Kneeling Opponent

Busaiku Knee Strike


Victory As Champion

Leave As Champion