
Kyle O'Reilly


Standing Headlock

Exchange Blows

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes

Rolling Elbow After An European Uppercut

Roaring Elbow After A German Suplex

Big Boot + Rolling Elbow

Knee Strike To The Gut

Avoid Double Arm Hook + Knee Strike To The Gut

Kick To The Leg

Block Kick + Kick To The Leg

Kick To The Leg From Behind

Basement Dropkick To Running Opponent

Running Knee Strike To The Chest

Armbreaker + Knee Strike To Another Opponent

Knee Strike To The Chest + Jumping Knee Strike

Knee Strike To The Chest + Forearm Smash + Palm Slap + Kick To The Leg

Kick To The Leg + Knee Strike To The Chest + Jumping Knee To The Head

Avoid Punch + Palm Slap + Forearm Smash + Knee Strike To The Chest + Kick To The Leg

Kick To The Leg + Palm Slap + Knee Strike To The Chest + Shoot Kick + Leg Sweep

Slide Under Opponent Legs + Rush Combination

Knee Strikes To The Chest + Rush Combination

Double Enzuigiri Kick

Knee Strike To The Gut + Axe Kick

Ax And Smash

Headlock Into A Headlock

Heel Hook Into A Kneebar

Shinbreaker + Kneebar

Kimura Lock

Forearm Smash To A Kneeling Opponent

Grounded Forearm Smashes

Double Leg Takedown + Grounded Palm Strikes

Stomp To The Neck

Grounded Knee Strikes + Grounded Elbow Strikes + Sliding Knee Strike To The Back

Grounded Axe Kick

Shoot Kick To Kneeling Opponent

Knee Strike To Kneeling Opponent

Penalty Kick

In The Corner Avoid High Knee + Kitchen Sink

Bounce From The Corner + Kitchen Sink

Block Big Boot + Dragon Screw From The Corner

Running Corner Forearm Smash

Running Corner Forearm Smash + Armbreaker

Running Knee Strike To The Head

Running Forearm Smash To The Top Corner

Kick To The Leg On The Top Rope

Irish Whip To The Corner + Kick To The Leg On The Top Rope

Diving Spear Into Guillotine Choke

King Kong Knee Drop After Failed Tsunami

King Kong Knee Drop To The Back

Puts Foot On The First Rope

Knee Strike To The Gut + Forearm Smash + Knee Strike To The Gut Against The Ropes

Inverted Dragon Screw From The Ropes

Rope-Hung King Kong Knee Drop

Avoid Canadian Trip + Running Big Boot

Avoid Clothesline + Big Boot

Knee Strike To The Chest + Forearm Smash + Palm Slap + Kick To The Leg + Running Kick To The Leg

After Discus Forearm Nigel To Another Opponent

Third Rope Nigel

Irish Whip To The Ropes + Kitchen Sink

Pop-Up Shoot Kick

Roaring Elbow To Running Opponent

Running Knee Strike To The Chest Against The Ropes

Running Knee Strike To The Chest Against The Ropes + Slap To Sitting Opponent

Running Knee Strike To The Chest Against The Ropes + Bridging Regal Plex

Throw To The Outside

Basement Dropkick To The Outside

Diving Knee Strike From The Apron

Grounded Kick To The Back

Exchange Blows Outside Of The Ring

Avoid X-Plex + Rear Naked Choke

Throw To The Ring Post

Armbreaker To The Apron

Avoid Clothesline + Running Corner Big Boot To Another Opponent + Running Shoot Kick To The Leg

Running Kick To The Back To A Seated Opponent On The Apron

Slingshot Spear Into Guillotine Choke

Shoot Kicks On The Apron

Dropkick On The Apron

Dragon Screw From The Apron

Rope Hung Dragon Screw

Roll Up Pinfall

Avoid Uppercut + Backslide Pinfall

Escapes From A Sleeperhold By Pushing Another Opponent + Pinfall

Shoot Kick + Armbreaker To Another Opponent

Reverse STO

Hip Toss

Counters Cross Armbreaker Into An Ankle Lock

Counters Ankle Lock Into An Ankle Lock

Trapped In A Sleephold + Running Big Boot Into An Ankle Lock To Another Opponent

Opponent Blocks Kick + Palm Slap + Block Another Opponent Kick + Double Dragon Screw

Kimura Lock Into Front Chinlock

Shinbreaker Into Guillotine Choke

Swinging Side Slam Into Guillotine Choke

Avoid Bitter End + Guillotine Choke

Backdrop Suplex

Butterfly Facebuster

Two Rolling Butterfly Suplexes + Butterfly Facebuster

Avoid Roundhouse Kick + German Suplex

Block Ripcord Knee Strike + German Suplex

Bridging Regal-Plex

Avoid Powerbomb + Brainbuster


Ax And Smash + Brainbuster


Avoid Mushroom Stomp + Heel Hook

Curb Stomp Into Heel Hook

Heel Hook

King Kong Knee Drop + Heel Hook


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