


Entrance As Champion


Knee Strike To The Gut

Chop Block



Big Boot

Chair Shot

Low Blow

Big Boot To Kneeling Opponent

Throw Leg Against The Mat

Single Leg Boston Crab

Big Swing

Throw To The Corner

Throw Corner To Corner

Shoulder Thurts To The Corner

Body Avalanche To The Corner

Right Hand To The Top Corner

Vader Bomb to Chair Trapped Leg

Surfboard Stomp

Rope Hung Knee Strike

Throw Outside The Ring

Punch To Rope Hung Opponent

Outside Chair Shot

Shoulder Thrust Into The Apron

Armbreaker With The Ring Post

Scoop Slam Into The Ring Post

Basement Dropkick To The Steps

Outside Delayed Gourdbuster Into The Steps

Big Swing Into The Barricade

Scoop Slam Through The Barricade

Outside Powerslam

Military Press Slam To Inside The Ring

Bow And Arrow With The Ring Post

Throw Headfirst Into The Corner

Headbutt From The Apron

Opponent Fails To Lift Him

Bear Hug


Scoop Backbreaker

Running Powerslam

DDT Into Pile Of Chairs

World's Strongest Splash

World Strongest Slam

World Strongest Slam Catch Mid Air

RKO into World Strongest Slam


Victory As Champion