
Marty Scurll


Entrance As Champion

Collar And Elbow Tie Up

Eye Poke

Exchange Blows

Spit + Slap

Palm Strike + Slap


Forearm Smash

Palm Strike + Forearm Smash

Kick To The Gut

Discus Elbow

Bicycle Knee Strike

Ripcord Hold Into Finger Snap

GTS Into Toe Snap

Throw Powder To Opponent's Face

Umbrella Shot

Rainmaker Into Umbrella Shot

Finger Snap To Kneeling Opponent

Grounded Kick To The Head

Stomp To The Hand

Stomp To The Hands + Front Dropkick

Stomp To Pointed Elbow

Stomps To The Head

Snapmare + Single Leg Basement Dropkick

Romero Special

Running Knee Strike To Kneeling Opponent

Low Superkick To Break Pinfall

Handstand Headscissors Into Low Superkick

Backslide + Low Superkick

Low Superkick

Low Superkick To The Back

Throw Headfirst To The Corner + Chop

Uppercut To The Inside

Chops + Uppercut Combo To The Corner

Running Uppercut To The Corner

Torture Rack Drop To The Corner

Torture Rack Drop To The Corner + Snap DDT

Snap Suplex To The Corner

Step Up Enzuigiri To The Corner + Springboard Tornado DDT

Corner OsCutter

Uppercut To The Top Rope

Cheeky Nandos Kick


Shooting Star Press Into Small Package Hold

Shooting Star Press Into Cutter

Taunt In The Ropes

Chop Against The Ropes

Running Uppercut Against The Ropes

Bodyslam Into The Ropes

Forearm Smash To The Ropes + Low Superkick + Bodyslam Into The Ropes

Catapult Into The Bottom Rope

Uppercut Mid-Air

Running Shoulder Block

Running Uppercut

Discus Elbow

Just Kidding!

Running Lariat

Rebound Running Lariat

Discus Elbow + Running Lariat

Running Uppercut To The Outside

Push From The Second Rope

Triangle Superkick

Uppercut To The Outside + Triangle Superkick

Triangle Superkick + Outside Running Lariat

Suicide Dive

Apron Diving Knee Strike Into Mid-Air Uppercut

Throw To The Chairs

Outside Chop

Chop Against The Barricade

Throw To The Barricade

Takedown From The Barricade

Release Front Suplex To The Apron

Outside Springboard Tornado DDT

Elbow Drop To Opponent In The Apron

Umbrella Shot To The Apron

Rope Hung Hangman Neckbreaker

Rope Hung Hangman DDT

Headbutt From The Apron

Slingshot Sunset Flip Roll Up

Skin The Cat + Outside Tombstone Piledriver

Avoid Multiple Kicks + Crucifix Roll Up

Leg Takedown Into Kneeling Pin

Back To Belly Hold Into Sunset Flip Rollup

Arm Takedown


Torture Rack Hold

Gory Special

Side Backbreaker

Straight Jacket Backbreaker

Hangman Neckbreaker

Jackknife Powerbomb

Argentine Rack Drop

Argentine Rack GTS

Tombstone Piledriver Into Tornado DDT

Inverted Snapmare Driver

Scurll Driver


Uppercut Mid-Air + Ghostbuster


Ghostbuster 2.0

Essex Destroyer


Half & Half Suplex

Black Plague

Spike Piledriver


O'Connor Roll Up Into Crossface Chickenwing

OsCutter Into Chickenwing Crossface

Rainmaker Into Chickenwing Crossface

Grounded Chickenwing Crossface

Chickenwing Crossface

Throw To The Ring Post + Chickenwing Crossface

Falcon Arrow Into Chickenwing Crossface


Victory As Champion