
Paul London


Entrance As Champion

Arm Lock

Right Hand

Forearm Smash

Kick To The Leg Grabbing The Other Leg


Enzuigiri Kick

Heel Kick

Spinning Heel Kick

Basement Dropkick

Standing Shooting Star Press

Running Forearm Smash To The Corner

Back Body Drop From The Top Rope

Diving Double Foot Stomp To Standing Opponent

Headscissors Takedown

Leaps Over Opponent + Dropkick


Double Clothesline

Leapfrog + Leaping Back Elbow

Overhead Belly To Belly Suplex

Powerbomb Into Hurrincanrana To The Outside

Swanton Bomb To Standing Opponent to the Outside

Dropkick To The Apron + Moonsault To Another Opponent

Go To The Apron + Headbutt To The Gut

Slingshot Headscissors Takedown

Slingshot Clothesline

Springboard Dropkick


Inverted Atomic Drop + Hurrincanrana

Backdrop Into Crossbody

Overhead Belly To Belly Suplex

450° Splash

Victory As Champion