
Priscilla Kelly



Wrist Lock Into A Wrist Lock


Right Hand

Forearm Smash

Bicycle Kick

Oppnent Avoids Bicycle Kick + Roll Up Into Bicycle Kick

High Kick

Arm Drag + Armbar

Shoot Kicks To Kneeling Opponent

Kick To The Gut + Snapmare + Grounded Shoot Kick To The Back

Grounded Chop + Rolls To The Front + Kick To The Chest + Low Superkick

Bicycle Kick To Kneeling Opponent

Modified Gogoplata

Escape From The Corner + Back Elbow To The Corner

Running Back Elbow To The Corner

Corner Springboard Arm Drag

Corner Arm Drag + Rebound Running Kick

Missile Dropkick

Super Flip Piledriver

Headbutts To The Top Rope

Spider Frankesteiner

O'Connor Roll Up

Running Forearm Smash To The Ropes

Dropkick To Opponent Trapped In The Ropes

Running STO

Avoid Running Move From The Corner + Running STO

Suicide Dive

Canonball Senton Off The Apron

Diving Crossbody To The Outside

Outside Chop

Throw Into The Barricade

Apron Takedown

STO On The Apron

Sunset Flip Roll Up

Avoid Small Package Driver + Small Package Roll Up

Wheelbarrel Arm Drag

Swinging Side Slam

Fireman's Carry Into Reverse Rana

Half & Half Suplex

Bicycle Kick + Bridging Half & Half Suplex

Superkick + Half & Half Suplex

High Kick + Half & Half Suplex

Grounded Octopus Hold
