
Randy Orton


Entrance As Champion

Entrance As Double Champion

Collar Elbow Tie Up

Wrist Lock


Eye Poke


Kick To The Gut

Shoulder Tackle

Punch To The Gut + Headbutt



Exchange Blows While Kneeling

Avoids Kick + Fake RKO

Grounded Inside Craddle

Avoid Roundhouse Kick + Kneeling Low Blow

Punches To The Head To Grounded Opponent

Mat Slam + Stomp To The Mid Section

Leg Hold Stomps To The Gut

Stomp To The Face

Stomp To The Arm

Garvin Stomps

Jumping Knee Drop To The Head


Rear Chinlock


Rear Chinlock Into Armbar

Inverted Boston Crab


Shinning Triangle Into Deadlift Powerbomb

Rebound From The Corner + Fake RKO

Irish Whip To The Corner + Fake RKO

Throw To The Ring Post

Catapult Into The Corner

Escape From The Corner + Roll Up

Throw Head First To The Corner + Corner Uppercut

Corner Knife Edge Chop

Second Rope Mounted Punches

Corner Clothesline

Stomps To Opponent In Tree Of Woe

Irish Whip To The Corner + Scoop Powerslam

Trap Leg In The Ropes + Inverted Headlock Backbreaker

Counter Pendulum Kick With Spike DDT

Pushes The Legs To Opponent Over The Top Rope

Pulls Legs To The Outside

Punch To The Top Rope

Running Forearm Smash To The Top Rope

Spike DDT From The Top Rope

Headbutts From The Top Rope In The Corner


Avoids Diving Clothesline + Scoop Powerslam

Avoids Move In The Ropes + Clothesline + Clothesline

Stomp Against The Ropes

Catapult Into The Bottom Rope

Slingshot Suplex

Gourdbuster Into The Ropes

Rebound Shoulder Tackle

Rebound Kick + Clothesline

Rebound Clothesline

Hair Pull Mat Slam

Rebound Arm Trap Inverted Headlock Backbreaker

Dropdown + Back Elbow

Leap Frog + Back Elbow

Kitchen Sink

Lou Thesz Press To Running Opponent + Mounted Punches

Back Body Drop To Running Opponent

Irish Whip + Scoop Powerslam

Inverted Headlock Backbreaker Into Scoop Powerslam

Two Clotheslines + Scoop Powerslam

Throws Opponent To The Outside

Clothesline To The Outside

Counter Suicide Dive With Forearm Smash

Punch To The Gut Outside Of The Ring

Outside Uppercut

Outside Shoulder Tackle

Outside Clothesline

Outside Scoop Powerslam

Throw Into The Barricade

Irish Whip Into The Barricade

Back Suplex Into The Barricade

Barricade Spike DDT

Throw Armfirst Into The Ring Post

Irish Whip Into The Steel Steps

Throws Head First To The Announcers Table

Throw Headfirst Into The Announcers Table Multiple Times

Gourdbuster To The Announcers Table

Back Suplex Into The Announcers Table

Headbutt + Back Suplex Into The Announcers Table

Suplex From The Announcers Table

Spike DDT From The Announcers Table

Dropkick To The Apron

Spike DDT

Forearm Smash To The Apron +Spike DDT

Kick To The Face + Spike DDT

Roll Up From Behind

Glorious DDT Into Roll Up

Drop Down Face First

Vertical Suplex

Belly To Belly Suplex

Back Suplex

Capture Suplex

Full Nelson Slam

Gutwrench Neckbreaker

Famouser Into Powerbomb

Fireman's Carry Drop

Inverted Headlock Backbreaker

Scoop Powerslam

Scoop Powerslam To Running Opponent

Failed RKO Into Scoop Powerslam

RKO Mid-Air From The Corner

Springboard Into RKO

Slingshot Rolling Thunder Move Into RKO

Block Discus Clothesline + RKO

Twist Of Fate Into RKO

Pop Up RKO



Kick Out + RKO

Feint Back Suplex + RKO


Victory As Champion

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