


Entrance With The Flock

Entrance As Champion

Collar And Elbow Tie Up



Short Arm Clothesline

Knee Lift


Choke With Towel

Kendo Stick Shots

Trash Can Shot

Kneeling Low Blow

Punches To Kneeling Opponent

Grounded Stomp

Stomps To The Head

Mounted Punches + Throws Head Against The Canvas

Pointed Elbow Drop

Chair Shot To The Back


Modified Leghold Chin Lock (?

Running Move Into A Front Dropkick From The Corner

Push To The Corner + Shoulder Thrusts

Stomps To The Corner

Corner Shoulder Thrusts

Punches From The Second Rope To The Corner

From The Corner Irish Whip + Shoulder Thrust To The Corner

From The Corner Irish Whip + Clothesline To The Corner

Irish Whip Into The Corner + Rebound Clothesline

Punches To The Corner + Running Bulldog From The Corner

Irish Whip To The Corner + Corner Clothesline + Running Bulldog

Running Bulldog From The Corner Into A Chair

Avoid Diving Leg Drop

Avoid Diving Headbutt

Falling Knee Smash From The Top Rope

Diving Pointed Elbow Smash

Diving Double Axe Handle

Push From The Top Rope + Diving Clothesline

Rebound Sunset Flip Roll Up

Rebound Discus Forearm Smash

Arm Trap Into Knee Strike To The Gut

Failed Clothesline + Clothesline

Hip Toss

Front Dropkick

Back Body Drop

Irish Whip To The Ropes + Kick To The Gut + Rebound Discus Forearm Smash

Irish Whip To The Ropes + Sleeper Hold

Backpack Sleeper Hold Catch Mid Run

Drop Toe Hold Into The Ropes

Drop Toe Hold Into A Trash Can

Irish Whip To The Ropes + Drop Toe Hold Into The Chair

Kick To The Gut + Rebound Clothesline Into The Outside

Knee Lift Into The Outside

Clothesline Into The Outside (Both To The Outside)

Corkscrew Plancha

Baseball Slide To A Chair

Diving Elbow Drop From The Apron

Outside Chair Shot To The Back

Outside Low Blow

Irish Whip Into The Barricade

Side Russian Leg Sweep To The Barricade

Throw Headfirst Into The Steel Steps

Drop Toe Hold Into The Steel Steps

Diving High Knee From The Steel Steps

Side Russian Leg Sweep On The Ramp

Punch To Grounded Opponent On The Apron

Pointed Elbow Drop To The Apron

Knee Strike To The Apron

Shoulder Thrust To The Apron

Dropkick To The Apron

Shoulder Thrust From The Apron

Roll Up

Small Package Roll Up

Snapmare Takedown

Sleeper Hold

Avoid Clothesline + Cobra Clutch

Snap Suplex

Front Suplex

Butterfly Suplex

Escape From Fireman's Carry + Inverted DDT

Northen Lights Suplex Into Raven Effect

Arm Trap Raven Effect

Raven Effect

Raven Effect Into A Chair


Victory As Champion