
Rhea Ripley


Entrance As Champion


Exchange Blows

Exchange Chops


Arm Trap Clothesline

Double Short Arm Lariat

Superkick To The Chest

Forearm Smash

Cravate Knee Strikes

Big Boot

High Kick


Ripcord Dropkick

Kick To The Gut + Chair Shot To The Back

Avoid Running Senton

Mounted Forearm Smashes

Forearm Smashes To The Back

Stomp To The Back

Arm Trap Stomps

Snapmare + Basement Dropkick

Basement Dropkick

Leg Drop

Body Scissors

Modified Camel Clutch

Throw To The Corner

Deadlift Belly To Back Into The Corner

Dropkick From The Corner

Forearm Smashes To The Gut

Forearm Smash To The Back

Kick To The Back

Shoulder Thrust To The Corner

Shoulder Thrusts To The Corner

Electric Chair Facebuster To The Corner

Corner Takedown

Slap To The Top Rope

Headbutt To The Top Rope

Dropkick To The Top Corner

Headbutts From The Second Ropes To The Top Corner


Missile Dropkick

Roll Up Pin Fall

Throw To The Ropes + Forearm To The Back

Throw To The Ropes + Dropkick

Big Boot Mid Air

Free Fall Drop

Back Body Drop To The Outside

Canonball Senton From The Apron

Canonball Senton From The Apron To Multiple Opponents

Avoid Attack On The Barricade

Stomps Against The Barricade

Throw To The Apron

Electric Chair Facebuster To The Apron

Belly To Back Facebuster Into The Steps

Electric Chair Facebuster To The Steps

Powerbomb Into The Crowd

Back Body Drop On The Apron


Mat Slam

Hip Toss


Shin Breaker

Back Body Drop

Belly To Back Facebuster

Deadlift Belly To Back Facebuster

Electric Chair Facebuster

Delayed Vertical Suplex

Modified Standing Cloverleaf

Big Swing + Modified Sitout Cloverleaf

Riptide From The Second Rope

Avalanche Riptide

Riptide Into Bed Of Chairs



Victory As Champion