
Scarlett Boredaux


Collar And Elbow Tie Up

Attack From Behind

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes

Low Blow

Snapmare + Spinal Tap

Grounded Slap

Stomp To The Gut

Throw Corner To Corner

Back Elbow To The Inside

Chop To The Corner

Forearm Smash To The Corner

Forearm Smashes To The Corner

Corner Body Splash

Stink Face

Stink Face To Two Opponents

Head Trap Hip Attacks

Push From The Corner

Push Opponent Rope Walking To The Outside

Avoid Missile Dropkick

Powerbomb To Opponent On The Top Rope

Fall From Grace

Diving Crossbody


Snapmare + Running Meteora To The Back

Running Meteora To The Back

Throw To The Apron

Baseball Slide

Chop On The Outside

Russian Leg Sweep Into The Apron

Vertical Suplex On The Outside

Irish Whip To The Barricade

DDT On The Apron

Hot Shot From The Apron

Roll Up Pinfall

Biel Toss


Double Knee Facebreaker

Fisherman Neckbreaker

Cradle DDT

Scarlett's Web

Belly To Back Piledriver
