
Shinsuke Nakamura


Entrance As Champion

Trading Punches

Axe Kick

Jumping Yakuza Kick

Low Blow

Step-Over Spinning Heel Kick

Dragon Sleeper

Enzuguri To Kneeling Opponent

Multiple Elbows To The Head

Multiple Knee Strikes On The Ground

Shinning Triangle

Sliding Busaiku Knee

Snapmare + Knee Drop

Knee To The Gut In The Corner

Put On The Top Corner

Midsection Knee Lift

Face Wash

Second Rope German Suplex

Top Rope Jumping Yakuza Kick

Counter High Flying Move With Knees

Mid Air Gutbuster

Counter Slingshot With Landslide

Counter Slingshot With Roundhouse Kick

Push From The Ropes

Kick To The Side To Opponent On The Ropes

Taunt In The Ropes

Throw To The Barrier

Flapjack To The Barricade

Put Opponent In The Ring

Running Knee Strike To Opponent In Apron

Axe Kick From The Apron

Running Knee Strike From The Apron

Apron Knee Drop

Middle Rope Diving Knee Strike

Rolling Cross Armbreaker

Guillotine Choke


Modified Falling Powerslam

Single Knee Backstabber


Inverted Exploder Suplex



Kinshasa To The Back Of The Head

Counter Sunset Flip Powerbomb Into Kinshasa

Kinshasa To The Apron

Outside Kinshasa

Kinshasa On The Announcers Tables


Celebrating As Champion