


Entrance As Champion

Collar And Elbow Tie Up


Exchange Blows



Punches & Chops Combination


Double Clothesline


Kick To The Gut + Chop + Clothesline

Baseball Bat Shot

Kneeling Low Blow

Big Boot To Seated Opponent

Kicks To Grounded Opponent

Enzuigiri Kick To Kneeling Opponent

Throw Outside The Ring

Irish Whip To The Corner

Escape From The Corner

Knee Strike From The Corner

Corner Open Hand Chops

Corner Punches

Corner Kicks

Mounted Punches  To The Corner

Fireman's Carry Facebreaker Into The Corner

Code Red From The Corner

Stinger Splash To The Back

Stinger Splash

Irish Whip To The Corner + Stinger Splash

Stinger Splash + Stinger Splash To The Back

Punch To The Top Rope

Kicks To The Top Rope

Top Rope Takedown

Missile Dropkick

Rebound Mutual Clothesline

Rebound Mutual Crossbody

Rebound Shoulder Tackle

Rebound Clothesline

Rebound Double Clothesline

Rebound One Handed Bulldog

Clothesline To Running Opponent

Clothesline To Running Opponent + Clotheslines

Inverted Atomic Drop To Running Opponent

Hip Toss To Running Opponent

Hip Toss To Running Opponent + Dropkick

Irish Whip To The Ropes + Back Body Drop

Twisting Spinebuster To Running Opponent

Clothesline To The Outside

Back Body Drop To The Outside

Diving Crossbody To The Outside

Diving Crossbody To The Outside Into Multiple Opponents

Vertical Suplex On The Ramp

Diving Crossbody From The Stage

Throw Into The Crowd

Chop In The Crowd

Punch In The Crowd

Irish Whip Into A Wall

Throw To The Barricade

Throw Headfirst Into The Barricade

Throw To The Steel Steps

Throw Headfirst Into Announcers Table

Hot Shot To The Apron

Punch To The Apron

Push From The Springboard To The Barricade

Roll Up

Olympic Slam Into Sunset Flip Roll Up

One Handed Bulldog

Back Suplex



Chop To The Leg + DDT

Falling DDT

Tombstone Piledriver

Scorpion Deathlock Catch Mid-Air

Double Scorpion Deathlock

Takedown Scorpion Deathlock

Scorpion Deathlock

Bodyslam Into Scorpion Death Drop

Slingshot Cutter Into Scorpion Death Drop

Double Scorpion Death Drop

Scorpion Death Drop From The Second Rope

Scorpion Death Drop

Stinger Splash To The Back + Scorpion Death Drop

Scorpion Death Drop + Scorpion Deathlock


Victory As Champion