
Tessa Blanchard


Right Hand

Forearm Smashes


Baseball Bat Shot

Kneeling Low Blow

Punches To Kneeling Opponent

Stomp Into A Chair


Forearm Smash Into The Corner

Punches Into The Corner

Corner Spear Into Wooden Plank

Powerbomb Off The Top Rope

Military Press Slam Off The Top Rope

Rocket Kick To The Ropes

Springboard Tornado DDT


Headscissors Takedown

Rebound Running Cutter

Big Boot To The Outside

Suicide Dive Into Chair Shot

Suicide Dive

Suicide Dive To The Back

Ramp Arm Trap Cutter

Tequila Sunrise Facebuster Off The Ramp

Flapjack Into A Barricade

Barricade Low Dropkick

Barricade Low Dropkick Into A Chair

Throw Into Ring Post

Chair Guillotine Into Ring Post

Triangle Dropkick

DDT Into The Apron

Spear Through The Ropes

Roll Up Pinfall

Running Neckbreaker

Arm-Trap Cutter

Tirt A Whirl DDT

Tirt A Whirl  Backbreaker + Backdrop Suplex

Delayed Samoan Drop

Tequila Sunrise Facebuster

Buzzsaw DDT

Standing Magnum

Springboard Rope Hung Magnum

