
Undashing Cody Rhodes


Entrance As Champion




Stomp To The Face


Knee Drop To The Head

Big Boot To Sitting Opponent

Elbow Drop To Back Of The Head

Boston Crab

Figure Four Leglock

Hits Opponent With The Mask Trapped With A Figure Four Leglock

Irish Whip To The Corner

Throw To The Corner  + Rear Clothesline

Throw To The Corner + Dropkick

Escape From The Corner

Headbutt In The Corner

Run Up Headbutt To The Top Rope

Diving Knee Drop

Moonsault To Standing Opponent

Blocks 619 + Headbutt

Slingshot Stomp To The Head

Catapult Into The Ropes

Headbutts To The Ropes

Running Knee Strike To The Middle Rope

Rope Hung Kick To The Gut

Alabama Slam From The Ropes

Rope Hung Kick To The Gut + Alabama Slam

Rebound Kick + Dropkick

Dropping Down Punch

Kitchen Sink

Throw To The Ropes + Knee strike

Knee Strike Against The Ropes + Throw To The Ropes + Knee strike

Throw Outside The Ring

Headbutt To Opponent Trough The Ropes

Outside Dropkick

Outside Knee Strike To The Gut

Throw Face First Into The Ramp

Hip Toss Over The Barricade

Throw To The Steel Steps

Wheelbarrel Facebuster Into The Steps

Hits Opponent With The Mask From The Barricade

Throw Arm Into The Ring Post

Armbreaker To The Apron

Abdominal Stretch


Wheelbarrel Suplex


Alabama Slam

Avoids Gutwrench Powerbomb + Disaster Kick

Throw To The Corner + Disaster Kick

Rope Hung Disaster Kick

Disaster Kick



Victory As Champion
