
Velveteen Dream


Entrance As Champion

Collar And Elbow Tie Up



Boxing Punches Sequence


Short Arm Clothesline

Roll Up Into Dropkick


Knee Strike + Harlem Sidekick

Jumping High Knee Into Superkick

Opponent Avoid Clothesline + Superkick


Small Package Hold From Grounded Possition

Oklahoma Roll Up

Kick To The Side

Snapmare + Knee Drop

Big Boot + Leg Drop

Leg Drop

Figure Four Leglock


Springboard Moonsault

Irish Whip Into The Corner

Superkick To The Inside

Slap To The Corner

Boxing Punches Sequence To The Corner

Second Rope Mounted Punches

Bronco Buster

Back Elbow + Springboard Double Axe Handle

Dropkick + Springboard Double Axe Handle

Springboard Double Axe Handle

Diving Crossbody Into Pinfall

Diving Chop To The Back

Diving Double Axe Handle

Leaping Superplex

Back Body Drop From The Top Rope

Over The Top Rope Hot Shot

Shoulder Tackle

Rebound Knee Strike

Flying Forearm Smash

Rebound Kick + Clothesline

Lou Thesz Press + Grounded Punches

Big Boot

Throw To The Ropes + Dropkick

Throw To The Ropes + Clothesline

Throw To The Ropes + Back Body Drop

Handspring Back Elbow Into Sleeper Hold

Throw To The Outside

Clothesline To The Outside

Rebound Kick + Big Boot + Clothesline To The Outside

Vertical Suplex To The Outside


Step Up Tope Con Hilo

Diving Clothesline From The Top Rope

Diving Double Axe Handle To The Outside

Diving Double Axe Handle To Multiple Opponents

Counters Suicide Dive With A Slap

Slides Out Of The Ring + Slap To The Inside

Slap To The Inside

Counters Apron Diving Move With A Punch

Outside Slap

Outside Clothesline

Outside Superkick

Stun Gun Into The Apron

Dream DDT Into The Ramp

Throw Headfirst Into The Steps

Throw Into The Ring Post

Throw Headfirst To The Announcers Table Multiple Times

Figure Four Leglock With The Ring Post

Slingshot Into Slap

Triangle Double Axe Handle To The Apron

Slingshot Spear Into Kick + Oklahoma Roll Up

Superkick To Opponent Entering The Ring

Rope Hung Famouser

Apron Vertical Suplex From The Top Rope To The Floor

Moonsault From The Apron

Slingshot Senton

Roll Up

Small Package Roll Up

O'Connor Roll Up

Backslide Pinfall

Back Body Drop

Russian Leg Sweep


Deadlift Bodyslam

Pendulum Backbreaker

Backbreaker Drop

Sleeper Hold

Snap DDT

German Suplex

Folding Powerbomb



Running Codebreaker

Short Arm Spinebuster


Hangman Neckbreaker

Arm Trap Hangman Neckbreaker Into The Shoulder

Avoids Roll Up Into A Kick + Famouser

Superkick + Famouser


Opponent Blocks Superkick + Dream DDT

Superkick + Dream DDT

Dream DDT

Dream DDT Into The Title

Blocks Moonsault With Knees + Dream Valley Driver

Diving Sunset Flip Roll Up Into Dream Valley Driver

Outside Dream Valley Driver

Apron Dream Valley Driver

Superkick + Dream Valley Driver

Tilt A Whirl Dream Valley Driver

Deadlift Dream Valley Driver

Dream Valley Driver + Folding Press

Dream Valley Driver

Avalanche Dream Valley Driver

Purple Rainmaker To A Triangle Choke

Purple Rainmaker On The Apron

Purple Rainmaker

Dream Valley Driver + Purple Rainmaker


Victory As Champion