
Zack Ryder


Entrance As Champion

Collar And Elbow Tie Up

Forearm Smash

Back Elbow


Arm Drag + Armbar

Broski Boot (Grounded Opponent)

Throw To The Corner

Forearm Smashes To The Corner

Mounted Punches

Running Forearm Smash To The Corner

Running Forearm Smash To The Corner (To The Back)

Broski Boot

Double Knee Strike To The Inside

Missile Dropkick From The Second Rope

Double Knee Strike To The Inside + Missile Dropkick From The Second Rope

Avalanche Hurrincanrana

Broski Boot To The Ropes

O'Connor Roll Up

Rebound Shoulder Tackle

Jumping Clothesline


Push To The Ropes + Dropkick


Clothesline To The Outside

Vertical Suplex To The Outside

Baseball Slide

Basement Dropkicks To Two Opponents

Outside Punches

Tope Con Hilo

Missile Dropkick From The Barricade

Outside Neckbreaker

Outside Broski Boot

Throw Into The Corner (Opponent On The Apron)

Missile Dropkick From The Apron

Avoid Attack + Kick To The Head

Slingshot Splash

Backslide Roll Up


Back Body Drop

Spinning Headlock Elbow Drop

Back Suplex

Vertical Suplex

Suplex Into Neckbreaker

Double Suplex Into Neckbreaker

Kick To The Gut + Sitout Powerbomb

Diving Elbow Drop

Rough Ryder

Avoid Roll Up + Rough Ryder

Diving Rough Ryder

Double Knee Strike To The Inside + Diving Rough Ryder
