
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin


Entrance As Champion

Entrance As Double Champion

Avoid German Suplex + Wrist Lock

Collar And Elbow Tie Up



Knee Strikes To The Gut


Short Arm Clothesline

Double Leg Takedown + Mounted Punches

Knee Strikes To The Arm

Double Axe Handle To Grounded Opponent

Pointed Elbow Drop

Spinebuster + Pointed Elbow Drop

Pointed Elbow Drops

Snapmare + Headlock

Drop To Hold + Armbar


Boston Crab


Texas Cloverleaf

Rebound Clothesline From The Corner

Avoid Punch + Chops To The Corner

Low Blow From The Corner

Stomp To The Corner + Pressing Stomp

Corner Surfboard Pressing Stomp

Stomps To The Corner

Punches From The Second Rope To The Corner

Chair Shot To The Top Rope


Punch To The Gut Mid-Air

Big Boot From The Corner + Diving Double Axe Handle

Diving Pointed Elbow Drop

Chops To The Ropes

Catapult Into The Bottom Rope

Leg Lariat Against The Ropes

Stun Gun To Running Opponent

Rebound Shoulder Tackle

Mutual Clothesline

Leap Frog Into Inverted Atomic Drop

Rebound Arm DDT

Rebound Twisting Neckbreaker

Back Elbow To Running Opponent

Kitchen Sink To Running Opponent

Inverted Atomic Drop To Running Opponent

Hip Toss To Running Opponent + Arm Drag

Back Body Drop To Running Opponent

Sleeper Hold To Running Opponent

Spinebuster To Running Opponent

Throw Outside The Ring

Irish Whip To The Ropes + Throw Outside The Ring

Clothesline To The Outside

Back Body Drop To The Outside

Outside Running Knee Strike To The Back

Outside Short-Arm Clothesline

Outside Clothesline

Outside Back Body Drop

Outside Military Press Drop

Put On The Barricade

Clothesline To Opponent On The Barricade

Gutbuster Into The Barricade

Shoulder Thrust To The Post

Catapult Into The Ring Post

Throw Into The Steel Steps

Throw Headfirst Into The Announcers Table + Chop To The Announcers Table

Pointed Elbow To Opponent On The Announcers Table

Catapult Into The Announcers Table

Gourdbuster Into Announcers Table

Diving Pointed Elbow From The Apron To The Announcers Table

Pointed Elbow To Opponent In The Apron

Diving Pointed Elbow From The Steel Steps To The Apron

Punch To The Apron

Forearm Smash To The Apron

Apron Vertical Suplex To The Inside

Diving Forearm Smash From The Apron

Russian Leg Sweep

Million Dollar Dream

Vertical Suplex

Angle Slam Into Back Suplex

Back Suplex

Avoid Forearm Smash + Two German Suplex

Avoid Clothesline + Three German Suplex

Falling Powerslam


Avoid Stunner + Push To The Ropes + Kick To The Gut + Stunner

Reverses Sweet Chin Music With Stunner



Victory As Champion

Leave As Champion


1 comentario:

  1. Página muy completa la verdad,me encantó,varios movimientos y todo 10/10
